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Liquid escape: How to Escape a String in Shopify

Sam Nguyen
Sam Updated: April 08, 2024


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Are you struggling with string manipulation in your Shopify store? Many store owners find it challenging to properly escape strings in Liquid, leading to formatting issues and potential errors in their themes. This guide will walk you through how to escape a string in Shopify using Liquid. Whether you’re new to coding or an experienced developer, we’ll show you step-by-step how to use Liquid escape techniques effectively.

Understanding Liquid and String Filters in Shopify Themes

Considered as a unit of Shopify theme, Liquid template files such as assets, config, layout, locales, sections and snippets are so essential for the Shopify store’s content. Although Liquid is an open source, this project on GitHub is so useful to display dynamic content and build up product’s pages. In addition, the themes provide the assistant tools for multiple purposes, for example, the collection.liquid for a multiple of products, or the product.liquid for a single item and settings_schema.json for good-looking appearance in Shopify stores.

Including the huge amount of data, Liquid allows the Shopify store owners to customize their shop management easily. Besides, with the combination of these features tags, objects, and filters, Liquid can boost the sales effectively. By Filters type, the store owners enable modifying the output of those numbers, strings, variables, and objects within tag {{ }} and denoted by |. Therefore, this is known as the backbone of Shopify shops.

With String filters, it allows the online merchants to manipulate outputs and variables in multiple data. Moreover, the String also allows the Shopify store owners to prefix with their letters such as r or R which is called raw strings applies the different rules for using the backslash \ as an escape character. In computer language, we knew that Escape characters plays a part of the syntax. It will be very important in many programming languages, data formats or communication protocols. In addition, by replacing characters with escape sequences, String in JavaScript could be used in a URL.

The JavaEscape has two functions of escape sequences. One of them which is special data so it is not easy to directly replaced by any alphabet will be used to encode a syntactic entity. While another is character quoting which is used to represent characters and cannot be typed in the current context. To have more detail and example about Liquid escape: How to Escape a String in Shopify the Shopify store owners can read this following article.

Liquid escape: How to Escape a String in Shopify

Step 1: Input

After logging into the Shopify app, online merchants come to admin’s dashboard. The Shopify store owners should copy this below codes and paste it:


{{ "Have you read 'James & the Giant Peach'?" | escape }}

Step 2: Output


Have you read ' James & the Giant Peach'?

There is another instance for the case Liquid escape in Shopify


{{ "Tetsuro Takara" | escape }}


Tetsuro Takara


Escaping strings in Shopify with Liquid is essential for proper content display. You’ve now learned how to implement this technique effectively. Apply these methods in your Shopify themes today to prevent formatting issues and improve your store’s functionality. Remember, proper string escaping enhances both your store’s appearance and user experience, potentially boosting your bottom line.

Discover more about online stores topics and liquidity in those below articles:

Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.

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