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Top 12+ BigCommerce Tips and Tricks for your Website

Last updated: July 01, 2024
This article has been written and researched by our expert Avada through a precise methodology. Learn more about our methodology





Growing online sales is a primary target for a large number of companies, both large and small. Growing sales across online platforms is a lot like bowling a strike – it seems a lot simpler than it really is, whether you run a mom-and-pop retail shop or work for a massive eCommerce behemoth like Amazon.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to increase online sales, many of which you can put into action right away. Some of these suggestions are unique to tactics you may use, while others are more general.

We’ll look at 17 of these tactics in this article, so whether you sell physical products or provide a service, there are 17 techniques you can use to improve your online sales efficiency.

Marketing your BigCommerce

Advertising your BigCommerce

Selling your goods is most likely your primary aim, but you must first draw customers to your BigCommerce shop. Are you trying to figure out how to get more high-quality traffic?

The solution is simple: catch them when they’re looking for your exact goods online! Look to Google Ads for the most comprehensive strategies on how to do this effectively.

But how do you render these advertisements if you’ve never used Google Ads before and don’t have the time to learn? Clever eCommerce will create high-quality Google Advertising campaigns for free!

You want as many people as possible to see your brand and goods, and clever eCommerce is the perfect way to get your ads seen.

Developing customer service

Customer support is vital to any business’s success. Even if you are unable to establish a face-to-face relationship with your client, it is important that you make yourself available to them. Create an online chat system that enables consumers to communicate directly with your customer service representatives.

It is also vital to have an informative and welcoming “About Us” page so that your guests feel like they can learn more about you.

Another suggestion is to invite your clients to sign up for your email so that you can stay in contact with them after they’ve made a purchase. Make sure your customers feel linked to you and your BigCommerce store by focusing on relationships.

Providing Many Payment Options

Consumers have more options than ever before when it comes to paying for goods and services, and not everyone prefers to pay with American Express. You make it easier for prospects to offer you their money by having more payment options, including up-to-date services that are becoming increasingly popular on mobile.

Sure, optimizing your site (and checkout process, as we mentioned above) to include all of these options can be a pain, but it’s a great way to boost online sales, particularly if your site receives a lot of mobile traffic.

These are the top options for you to consider: Square, Helcim, PayCafe, The Merchant Solutions, Payment Depot, Stripe, Paypal, 2Checkout, ProMerchant,…

Using Blogging & Social Media

People hold conversations in a variety of places online, including forums, blogs, and social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. Some of these websites will address your area of expertise. If you sell yachting equipment, for example, there are a lot of boating discussions going on.

You have the opportunity to speak about your business, products, and offerings as long as you participate responsibly and provide genuinely helpful advice. People will end up asking you for details on what you sell if you do it right, and that can be extremely effective.

To avoid tarnishing your image, make sure you understand and observe each site’s terms and conditions.

Learning From The Others

Keep an eye on your online rivals as well as other popular eCommerce websites in various markets. Don’t just imitate what they’re doing; instead, learn from it. Consider how you can apply good ideas in the most suitable way. Look for case studies in magazines and on the websites of eCommerce suppliers, and see what other sites credit their performance too.

Focusing on SEO

Potential buyers must first find your website in order to learn about your goods and services. It is ideal to post quality content that is useful to internet searchers to make the site more appealing to search engines (a.k.a. potential customers). Creating blog posts that include details on what your target audience looks for on the internet will help you improve your search engine ranking and the number of clicks to your eCommerce website.

Consumers are 73 percent irritated by irrelevant web content, according to HubSpot. Having so much content on your website that isn’t relevant to your guests will not only frustrate them, but will also lower your search rankings. If you will believe that publishing a large amount of content would increase your chances of being found on search engines, you are incorrect. Search engines don’t only rate websites based on how much content they have; they also consider how good the content is. It might work against you if a search engine thinks your website’s content is repetitive or tries too hard to be search engine friendly.

If your eCommerce site sells cameras and you published a helpful blog or video about the best way to take photos outside that a site user found helpful, they are more likely to return to your site to read your other blog posts. If the visitor continues to find your posts useful, they are more likely to regard you as dependable and worthy of their company.

Over time, providing incredibly useful content on your website will turn it into a valuable resource for not only your customers but also other companies and publications in your industry. Initial, high-quality content will help put your eCommerce company on the map and transform it into a well-known brand and reliable resource.

Consider becoming a thought leader and establishing a Resource Center that will attract a large number of visitors. They’ll be primed for deals and marketing opportunities while they’re waiting for answers.

BigCommerce Design - Visual Tips & Tricks

Organized, Clean, Easy to Navigate and Getting In Touch

You cannot organize your products at random only because you have an online store. Keep in mind what kind of overall experience you want your BigCommerce customers to have when they come to your store. Customers can easily see the different product types you sell and decide which items are currently on sale if the goods are grouped into suitable categories.

To keep the overall page layout tidy and clean, use a grid format, and clearly label the product descriptions and prices. Rather than cramming too many products into your homepage or into a single row, opt for large images with fewer products. This will provide more breathing room for each piece.

Adding Customer Reviews

Many online shoppers read customer reviews before purchasing a product, according to research. Customer feedback will help you improve conversion rates and drive sales. This is because prospective buyers would be more likely to purchase if they see that other consumers have had good experiences with the same product. In reality, adding customer feedback to your website could increase your conversion rate.

Another BigCommerce-powered e-commerce platform, Josie Maran, shows product reviews below product details, lending credibility to both the store and the products.

Adding Product Reviews

Allowing consumers to try out products or display them quickly is a great way to improve their shopping experience. This allows them to simply click on any product to see a pop-up image with the definition, price, images, and other product information.

They don’t have to go to the product page, which saves them time, particularly if they’re in a rush and want to see what you have to offer right away.

The easy to view feature on the Carolina Panthers’ website is excellent. Not only can you see the sizes, price, and enlarged pictures, but you can also add the item to your cart right away.


Simplifying Checkout and Shipping

Customers would be put off by overly complex checkout and delivery. You can guarantee that customers would abandon their purchases if your checkout is too complex, difficult to navigate, or insecure. As a result, making your checkout process as painless as possible should be your top priority.

Keep your checkout and delivery pages on the same page as much as possible. Customers should not be required to enter their details twice. Assure your customer that entering their credit card details is confidential, and remind them of the security measures you take to protect their personal information. Simplifying checkout and delivery is a surefire way to increase customer satisfaction and revenue.

Having Friendly Mobile Optimization

It’s surprising how many online companies have “mobile” pages that are poorly planned and configured. In terms of scale, mobile search has already surpassed desktop search. If you don’t want to miss out on sales, make sure your platform is mobile-friendly – and not just from a technological standpoint.

Make purchasing whatever you’re selling as simple as possible for mobile guests. This could entail a complete redesign of your checkout process or the development and launch of a separate mobile platform. Although Amazon’s mobile site is a great example of how mobile Commerce can (and should) be done, you don’t need Amazon’s resources to build a compelling, user-friendly experience for mobile visitors.

The importance of navigation and user interface in a well-designed, highly optimized mobile experience cannot be overstated. The more difficult it is for tourists to find – and purchase – what they want, the more likely they are to leave your site and go elsewhere. Pages should launch almost immediately, and navigation should be straightforward.

Don’t press for more details than you absolutely need to make the deal or sell to prospects later. Allow visitors to return to their carts at a later time, even on a different computer. Expect mobile visitors to not convert in a single session, since they almost certainly will not – but if you make it simple for them to do so, they will convert later.

Consider your mobile guests and do everything you can to make it as simple as possible for them to purchase from you when on the go.

Keeping “Add to Cart” Button Always Visible

The Add to Cart or Buy Now button is the most important thing on your website. It should be easily distinguishable from other elements and noticeable. Paying extra attention to the button design is worthwhile, as a better design would convert more sales.

Make the button stand out by using a contrasting hue. Also, make sure it’s big enough on all screen sizes so your mobile customers can press it without having to zoom or pinch.

When they come to your site, some of your customers or guests might already have a product in mind. Visitors would want to search for that product if it isn’t instantly available on your homepage, and if they can’t find a place to search, they will go somewhere else.

Don’t leave it up to chance and hope they’ll find it using a navigation menu. They don’t want to go from one category to the next; all they want to know is whether or not you have the commodity. Make sure your website has a search bar that is always available.

Posting High-quality Images

One of the most significant distinctions between a physical and an online store is that online shoppers cannot touch or try on products to get a feel for them. Instead, you must rely on product photos to express the product’s appearance.

The photographs on your website should be of good quality, with no blurriness that would detract from the overall impression. Consider building a gallery for each product so that visitors can see it from different perspectives and see it in use or when it is worn.

Often, ensure that your photos tell a story that is consistent with your brand and promotes sales. Learn how to set the stage for great product photography.

Outlining Online Store Policies

Your guests want to know what your delivery and return policies are after they’ve spent some time visiting your shop and are ready to buy. They can abandon the purchase if you don’t provide them with an easy way to find the information, particularly if you make it difficult for them to contact you on top of that.

Solve this problem by including links in your primary navigation menu that direct visitors to a page that describes where you ship, how you ship, and how you handle returns. Consider building a FAQ page that addresses these questions instead.

Displaying Shipping Costs

According to another report, shipping costs that are shown too late are a major factor in high cart abandonment rates. Rather than showing them at the top, make sure the buyers will see the shipping expense factored into the product’s final price.

You may also include a shipping calculator below the product to enable customers to estimate the total cost before proceeding to the checkout page. This will prepare them for what to expect when they check out and will help them avoid unpleasant surprises.

Adding Trust Seals

When it comes to shopping online, some people are reluctant. One of their key issues is whether or not they should entrust confidential information to your website. By using confidence seals on your website, you can instantly increase your customers’ trust.

This will make them feel more relaxed about their purchases, knowing that their credit card and personal details will not fall into the hands of hackers or scammers. On eCommerce websites, logos from well-known security-oriented brands such as VeriSign, McAfee Secure, TrustE, or Better Business Bureau are often used to increase trust. Every page on Man Crates has them in the footer.

Applying Fast Filter Products

Allowing customers to sort through your items, particularly when it comes to sizes or colors, is another time-saving tip that will enhance the shopping experience. Filtering by product category is another perfect way to help them save time and find just what they’re looking for.

This will save them the aggravation of discovering that the product they want isn’t available in their preferred size or color until they’ve agreed to buy it and are about to check out.

Almost all BigCommerce themes have product filtering options; all you have to do now is choose the one that best suits your store’s aesthetic.


If you’re doing affiliate marketing, raising money from commercials, dropshipping, or running your own eCommerce platform, these tips are critical to making money. Proper boosting implementation will help you increase organic traffic and sales. We hope that you will be able to use these optimization tips for your eCommerce stores to achieve strong rankings.

Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.

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