

Tote theme by Buddhathemes

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Tote themes has been purchased 14, rating: 4/5 based on 4 reviews.

Tote theme

Highlight features

  • Responsive design
  • Include 8 types of header and footer
  • Easy to drag and drop sections
  • Support 5 different styles of Mega Menu
  • Include more strong plugins
  • Beautiful theme

Tote is based on Sass CSS, Owl Carousel, Front Awesome and Animation. This is a clean and pleasant theme that easily stands out in the crowd. This theme is compatible with all types of stores such as fashion, apparel, watches, mobile, fruit, shoes, jewelry, etc. In addition, Tote Shopify Theme can meet all kinds of devices such as laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc. If you are looking for a theme that brings success to your business, Tote Shopify Theme is the smartest choice. Choose Tote Shopify Theme to feel.