
ST Romance

St romance theme by Shopifytemplate

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St romance

ST Romance themes has been purchased 10, rating: 4/5 based on 4 reviews.

ST Romance theme

Highlight features

  • Include 5+ homepages
  • Build on CSS 3 and HTML 5
  • Flexible admin panel
  • Easily installation and configuration
  • Multiple header styles
  • Various color options
  • Support many strong extensions

ST Romance is a Shopify theme developed by Shopifytemplate. It includes more than 5 unique homepage options and countless powerful modules like SEO, Mega Menu, Revolution slider, Slideshow, Daily Deal, Ajax technology, etc. In addition, Romance is built on advanced technologies such as CSS 3 and HTML 5, which makes it easy for shop owners to customize and manage the store. There is no doubt about the Shopify Romance theme. Let’s explore it!