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Generate Credentials From the Shopify Admin: A Simple Guide

Last updated: September 17, 2024
Written and researched by experts at AvadaLearn more about our methodology

By Sam Nguyen

CEO Avada Commerce

Shopify's API allows developers and third-party apps to interact programmatically with your store's data and functionality. To access this API, you need to generate credentials in the form of API credentials (aka API access token).

This token acts as a secure key, granting authorized access to your store's data while protecting sensitive information.

This article will explain how to create Shopify API credentials for custom apps right from your Shopify admin. Now, let’s get started!

Generating Shopify API Access Token For Custom Apps: Step-by-step

If you’re doing this for the first time, follow these steps:

Step 1: From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Apps and sale channels. Click Develop apps

Shopify admin, go to Settings > Apps and sale channels. Click Develop apps

Step 2: Click Allow custom app development

Click Allow custom app development

Step 3: Read through the instructions and click Allow custom app development

Allow custom app development

Step 4: Click Create an app

Create an app

Step 5: Fill in the app name and click Create app

 Create app

Step 6: Click Configure Admin API Scopes to give the app permission to access data on your Shopify store.

Configure Admin API Scopes

Step 7: Give API access scopes by checking the boxes and then click Save.

API scopes define the specific data and actions your app or integration can access within your Shopify store. Choose the scopes carefully and grant only the necessary permissions to minimize security risks.

checking the boxes and then click Save.

Step 8: Next, click Install app to get the API token.

Install app

Step 9: Click Install

Install app shopify

Step 10: Click Reveal token once. To keep your data safe, you'll only see your Admin API token one time. Make sure to copy it and store it somewhere secure, as you won't be able to view it again!

Reveal token once

Now, you can use this Admin API access to connect the app with your Shopify store!

Bottom Line

Generating an API credential from your Shopify admin is a crucial step in leveraging the power of the Shopify API for custom development, integrations, and automation. By following these simple steps and handling your credentials securely, you can unlock new possibilities for your store and streamline your operations.


I accidentally revealed my API token. What should I do?

Immediately regenerate a new token to invalidate the old one and prevent unauthorized access to your store's data.

Can I generate an API access token on any Shopify plan?

Yes, you can generate API access tokens on all Shopify plans. 

How long does an API access token last?

API access tokens typically don't have an expiration date, but it's a good practice to regenerate them periodically or when you suspect any security breaches.

Can I use the same API access token for multiple apps or integrations?

While technically possible, it's generally recommended to create separate tokens for each app or integration to maintain better control and security.

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Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.

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