Bold Store Locator App by BOLD for Shopify

Are you looking for Shopify Bold Store Locator App Reviews or Alternatives? You are in the right place. In this article, we will discuss about Bold Store Locator reviews, rating, price and its alternatives. Bold Store Locator app has been developed by Bold with rating: 4.8/5 based on 390 reviews. Bold Store Locator price starts Free plan available.

Bold Store Locator, which is created by BOLD, is the original Shopify store locator app being ubiquitous with interactive store locator with rea... . read more.

Bold Store Locator Information

  • Price: Free plan available
  • Rating: 390 - 4.8 / 5
  • Vendor: Bold

Features of Bold Store Locator

  • Provide the official Google Maps interface
  • Change the app to fit your branding style
  • Allow adding unlimited locations
  • Manage the locations generated for your pins
  • Anywhere and any language can use

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About Bold Store Locator

Bold Store Locator, which is created by BOLD, is the original Shopify store locator app being ubiquitous with interactive store locator with real-time driving directions.

With Bold Store Locator, you can be provided the official Google Maps interface to add a “Store” or “Dealer” locator section to any website. When customers enter their postal code, it will locate the closest store, gives all the details. In detail, you are able to change the look and feel of the app to fit your branding style and language thanks to editable text fields. Furthermore, this app allows adding unlimited locations to increase the locators entrancing to your store’s site. Also, you are more likely to manage the locations generated for your pins just by dragging and dropping them anywhere you want them to be. Anywhere you are, and any language you use are all suitable to work on this app.

All in all, Bold Store Locator has great features that are easy to use and simple to set up. Get it now to experience all the benefits it provides.