BigCommerce NetSuite SmartConnector App by Celigo

Are you looking for BigCommerce NetSuite SmartConnector App Reviews or Alternatives? You are in the right place. In this article, we will discuss about NetSuite SmartConnector reviews, rating, price and its alternatives. NetSuite SmartConnector app has been developed by Celigo with rating: /5 based on reviews. NetSuite SmartConnector price starts $250.00/month.

If you are a site owner, eCommerce business manager, or retailers who are selling online products but struggling with problems of losing orders,... . read more.

NetSuite SmartConnector Information

  • Price: $250.00/month
  • Rating: - / 5
  • Vendor: Celigo

Features of NetSuite SmartConnector

  • Deal with order volume spikes and peaks with Smart Connector integration
  • Use management dashboard when errors occur
  • Simply map data fields with Provide Celigo's intuitive user interface
  • Secomplex business rules within Celigo's data mapping interface
  • Send automatic alert messages to team members based on error types

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About NetSuite SmartConnector

If you are a site owner, eCommerce business manager, or retailers who are selling online products but struggling with problems of losing orders, tracking inventory levels, or controlling products catalog, you should equip your business with an instant-powerful tool. The NetSuite SmartConnector of Celigo will be a great solution for your online store to handle all the difficult issues.

Celigo creates NetSuite SmartConnector to deal with order volume spikes and peaks and retain order information when they can not create orders because of connectivity or other systems issues. So, Celigo’s SmartConnector will provide a management dashboard to reduce errors by accessing to one-click retry. You can leverage Celigo’s intuitive user interface to simply map data fields containing custom fields between BigCommerce and NetSuite. It immediately builds complex business rules within Celigo’s data mapping interface, syncs, or revises integration utilizing the Settings page without any code changes. Plus, NetSuite SmartConnector shows the whole visibility into integrations and error information for faster troubleshooting; thus, you can easily control and update integration settings and data mappings. It’s effortless to set up and send automatic alert messages to team members based on error types. And, this add-on helps you integrate additional BigCommerce stores to the same NetSuite account through only two steps, operate default integration settings and mappings from the original store to additional BigCommerce stores.