BigCommerce Back in Stock Product Alerts App by Swym

Are you looking for BigCommerce Back in Stock Product Alerts App Reviews or Alternatives? You are in the right place. In this article, we will discuss about Back in Stock Product Alerts reviews, rating, price and its alternatives. Back in Stock Product Alerts app has been developed by Swym with rating: 5.0/5 based on 5.0 reviews. Back in Stock Product Alerts price starts Recurring Fee: $49.99/month.

Back in Stock Product Alerts is one of the most popular and powerful back-up applications created by Swym to gain more sales and manage all the ... . read more.

Back in Stock Product Alerts Information

  • Price: Recurring Fee: $49.99/month
  • Rating: 9 - 5.0 / 5
  • Vendor: Swym

Features of Back in Stock Product Alerts

  • Provide all the key metrics and analytics of the products
  • Allow shoppers to subscribe to out of stock products at the variant level
  • Use the extensive Javascript and REST APIs to personalize or expand your back-in-stock functionality
  • Set alert users with customized email campaigns via your own ESP
  • Supply out-of-the-box integration

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About Back in Stock Product Alerts

Back in Stock Product Alerts is one of the most popular and powerful back-up applications created by Swym to gain more sales and manage all the alert processes for your online store.

First, Back in Stock Product Alerts helps you track all the products’ key metrics and analytics with an intuitive dashboard to attract your shoppers. You can then use detailed reports to show your products with the highest demand and which users are signing up for alerts. Further, this app allows shoppers to subscribe to out of stock products at the variant level, so they can always know when a product comes back in stock. It also delivers follow-up re-stock reminders to boom conversion, divides your re-stock email alerts into smaller batches, and spread over a length of time. Your shoppers do not need to login to sign up for alerts. Besides, Back in Stock Product Alerts does not notify shoppers for just a product return by defining the minimum threshold stock value as a whole or on individual products. Swym encourages you to use your own ESP to deliver alerts, utilize the extensive Javascript and REST APIs to personalize or expand your back-in-stock functionality. This app supplies out-of-the-box integration with multiple email vendors, social media sites, and CRM tools for your business to connect all integration easily.

Overall, installing this amazing app now to make use of all its awesome functions.