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The Ultimate Guide to Creating High-Converting Shopify Landing Pages

March 19, 2024
Written and researched by experts at AvadaLearn more about our methodology

By Sam Nguyen

CEO Avada Commerce

In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Shopify landing pages and discover how they can elevate your online store’s success.

Key Takeaways

  1. Splash Landing Pages: Best for creative agencies and event organizers seeking to captivate visitors instantly.
  2. Lead Generation Landing Pages: Best for B2B companies and service providers aiming to expand their client base.
  3. Sales Landing Page: Best for e-commerce businesses and online retailers focused on showcasing and selling products.
  4. Thank You Landing Page: Best for all types of businesses to express appreciation and guide customers after a conversion.
  5. Seasonal Landing Pages: Best for retail and e-commerce businesses looking to leverage holiday and seasonal trends.

What is A Shopify Landing Page?

A Shopify landing page is a carefully designed webpage that works as a strategic gateway to lead your potential customers toward the next phase of their shopping experience. This journey encompasses a wide range of e-commerce interactions, making it a pivotal part of your online success.

Shopify Landing Pages

For your Shopify store, a Shopify landing page may trigger your visitors to:

  • Finalize a purchase (situated at the sales funnel’s bottom)
  • Register with an email for a complimentary sample (positioned in the middle of the funnel)
  • Subscribe to an email newsletter, unlocking store-exclusive deals (nestled at the funnel’s summit)
  • Gain access to an exclusive waitlist for a specific product (positioned in the middle of the funnel)
  • Share an email address to unlock complimentary shipping (also positioned in the middle of the funnel)

Is this similar to a product page? 

Indeed a landing page and a product page are different. 

Imagine product pages as versatile tools, like Swiss army knives, designed to cater to a variety of interests. On the other hand, envision a landing page as a finely tuned scalpel, crafted with precision for a specific purpose – guiding visitors towards a particular action.

Furthermore, a landing page is composed of unique elements, including:

  • Striking Headlines
  • Compelling Call to Action
  • Visual Symphony
  • The Promise of Uniqueness

In addition, landing pages deliberately exclude certain elements to maintain a focused approach. They avoid distracting navigational options, ensuring a clear path toward the intended objective.

Types of Shopify Landing Pages

Type #1. Splash Landing Pages

A splash landing page serves as a preliminary gateway preceding your website’s primary pages. It holds a range of valuable functions, offering an array of advantages:

  • Showcasing Vital Information
  • Promoting Products or Services
  • Highlighting Premier Content
  • Serving as a Prelude
  • Gathering Visitor Insights
  • Facilitating Subscriptions

A standard splash page typically includes concise content, a background image, and most importantly, a hyperlink leading visitors to your main website. 

For instance, a link labeled “continue to site” guides visitors seamlessly to your homepage, ensuring a smooth transition. These pages find their place across various stages of your marketing funnel, but we recommend using them prominently at the top level to enhance brand visibility.

A noteworthy example often encountered is the use of an “Age disclaimer” splash page on alcoholic beverage brand websites. This acts as a precautionary step to inform visitors about age restrictions.

Shopify Landing Pages

Here are essential considerations to bear in mind as you embark on creating your splash page:

  • Maintain Visual Consistency: Ensure your splash page’s design and language align with your website’s overall aesthetics. This creates a seamless look and feel, using the same colors and fonts that define your website’s identity.
  • Provide an Exit Path: Prioritize user experience by including a clear exit or opt-out option on your splash page. This empowers visitors to easily move from the splash page to your main website.
  • Embrace Lightbox Overlay: Emulate a refined user experience by implementing a lightbox overlay instead of outright redirection. This approach keeps visitors within the context of their original page. The translucent nature of the lightbox overlay underscores the assurance that visitors are precisely where they intended to be.
  • Facilitate Return Journeys: When ushering users to a splash page, retain a trail of their origin. This enables a smooth redirection back to their initial location should they opt to bypass the splash page.
  • Minimize Repetitive Displays: Recognize that redundancy can lead to user disengagement. If visitors overlook your splash page on the initial encounter, there’s a likelihood they may exhibit reluctance towards subsequent interactions that push them towards a designated action.

Type #2. Lead Generation Landing Pages

The lead generation landing page emerges as a potent tool aimed at cultivating valuable connections and acquiring potential leads. Unlike the click-through landing page, which paves the way for actions like purchases or service engagement, the lead generation page serves a unique purpose. Its main objective is to enhance interactions between your website visitors and your online presence.

This type of landing page is strategically crafted to gather essential personal information, including:

  • Initial and surname
  • Email address
  • Contact number
Shopify Landing Pages

What you need to consider when creating your lead generation page:

  • Present an Irresistible Value Proposition: This captures visitors’ attention and encourages them to willingly share their information. The offerings range from useful checklists and templates to comprehensive white papers or engaging newsletters.
  • Tailor to Your Audience: Precision matters – align your offerings with what your audience cares about. Use a thorough site-wide survey to understand their preferences. Then, create lead magnets and newsletters that explore those areas of interest.
  • Ensure Clear Call to Action (CTA): A clear, direct call to action is fundamental. The language and design of your CTA should be straightforward, guiding individuals toward taking decisive action.
  • Harness the Power of Persuasive Copywriting: Dive deeper into the natural advantages, explaining why it’s a smart decision to share information with you. Fill your text with words that your audience understands, using powerful language that connects and inspires action.
  • Mobile Optimization: With approximately 90% of the global population engaging in online searches via their phones, it is imperative that your lead generation landing pages are seamlessly mobile-friendly. (Source: Statista)
  • Tailored Pages for Varied Personas: Thoughtful grouping is key, especially when reaching out to various audience types. Make use of audience segmentation to organize people based on their interests and relevant information. Afterward, create special landing pages that speak to each specific group.
  • Efficiency in Data Collection: Keeping things straightforward is crucial – ask only for the information you truly need. By reducing complications and making it easy to share data, you increase the chances of visitors willingly getting involved.

Type #3. Sales Landing Page

A sales landing page operates as a strategic hub designed for the art of conversion. These pages guide your website visitors on a transformative journey, turning them from curious onlookers into valuable customers. This type of landing page is a blend of information and persuasion, captivating and engaging potential buyers.

Common elements found on many sales pages consist of the following:

  • An attention-grabbing headline that captures the reader’s interest and clarifies the product or service being offered.
  • Visual content and graphics that spotlight your offerings.
  • Concise lists detailing the advantages, features, and benefits.
  • Credibility boosters such as reviews, testimonials, FAQs, endorsements, and more.
  • Visually appealing call-to-action buttons are strategically placed across the page.
Shopify Landing Pages

Here are several guidelines to enhance the quality of your sales page:

  • Understand Your Audience: Deepen your comprehension of your target audience to empower your sales pages. For instance, tailoring your page to new mothers may involve a compassionate tone and serene imagery, while a niche like motorcycle enthusiasts might necessitate a resolute approach.
  • Craft a Clear and Concise Structure: Streamline your page layout for swift comprehension. Make your headline a compelling offer that’s impossible to resist. Lead with a product/service benefit, followed by a concise presentation of what’s on offer.
  • Forge Persuasive Copy: Begin by clearly stating the action you want readers to take. Use strong action words and a confident tone. Focus on highlighting the benefits, not just the features. Instead of getting into technical details about your bike’s wheels, explain how buyers will benefit from them.
  • Accentuate Product Benefits: Optimize readability by arranging information into bulleted or numbered lists. These formats are visually attractive and make it easy to quickly scan the content.
  • Establish Trustworthiness: Display endorsements that confirm your reliability. Include logos of partner companies, feedback from happy customers, or links to detailed case studies.
  • Implement Multiple Calls to Action: Incorporate different calls to action that lead to the same objective. Intersperse compelling content between them, giving readers reasons to move forward.
  • Infuse a Sense of Urgency: Use techniques like flash sales to encourage more conversions. Offer a limited-time chance, such as a lower price for a specific period. Use persuasive phrases like “Why wait?” to spark interest.
  • Address Potential Concerns: Use FAQs to quickly share information without taking away from the goal of getting people to convert.
  • Leverage Exit-Intent Pop-Ups: Make the most of exit-intent pop-ups to give a last chance for a purchase. Utilize these to provide an exclusive discount, an extra bonus, or to confirm the visitor’s intention to leave.

Type #4. Thank You Landing Page

A Thank You Landing Page emerges once customers finalize an action, whether it’s making a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, or registering for an event. This digital domain serves as a gracious affirmation, extending appreciation from the online establishment to its valued patrons.

The Thank You Landing Page has a dual role: it provides vital transaction details, including order specifics, payment confirmation, and shipping information, all while adding a personal touch. This combination creates an environment that validates the interaction and expresses genuine appreciation.

An outstanding Thank You Landing Page does more than just convey transaction information. It creates an atmosphere of ease around the customer’s action, ensuring a worry-free shopping experience. It guides customers toward an encounter that’s free from concerns, fostering a sense of satisfaction and assurance.

Shopify Landing Pages

Learn how to make the most of your thank you page with these thank you page best practices.

  • Affirm the Conversion: For example, show gratitude for joining our informative “How to Hypnotize Your Dog 101 Webinar.” This solidifies the user’s registration for their selected webinar. When sharing downloadable content, use eye-catching colors for the download button. If providing physical content, reassure them about its upcoming delivery.
  • Propagate Relevant Content: Boost your thank you pages by sparking curiosity. Include videos, infographics, or blog posts that pique interest in more offers or pages, ensuring continued visitor engagement.
  • Leverage Social Media Connect: Increase interaction by adding social media buttons. However, go beyond the norm and explain why they should follow you. For instance: “Discover exclusive dog training tips by joining us on Twitter and Facebook.”
  • Stimulate Referrals: Tap into the power of referrals by asking visitors to share the offer with their friends. Clearly state the request, as this straightforward approach significantly increases the chances of action. Use the thank you page as a starting point for natural sharing.
  • Weave in Social Validation: Reinforce user confidence with a dash of social proof, spotlighting customer testimonials or quantifiable achievements on your website’s thank you pages. Strengthen their belief in making smart choices.
  • Entice Account Creation: Navigating the delicate balance between convenience and engagement, offer post-sale account creation. Sweeten the deal with promises of future discounts, streamlined order tracking, and more.
  • Kindle Temptation with Tailored Promotions: Your promotions need not await Black Friday. Infuse your promotional offers with an air of exclusivity, imparting a time-bound allure. Kindle the spark of uniqueness by presenting time-sensitive specials or alluring freebies.
  • Entice Email Newsletter Opt-In: Present a gateway to your email newsletter, underlining its value proposition. Tempt them with the promise of top-notch tips and tricks for dog hypnosis sent directly to their inbox every week.
  • Initiate Auto-Responder Connection: Extend the conversation by deploying auto-responder emails following conversion actions. Repurpose your thank you page into an email form, seamlessly channeling the allure of your offerings directly to recipients’ inboxes.

Type #5. Seasonal Landing Pages

A seasonal landing page mirrors the conventional variant yet distinctively tailors itself to the festive spirit of specific holidays. Whether it’s Christmas or Valentine’s Day, these pages transform with a festive theme while still staying true to their main purpose.

Shopify Landing Pages

While similar to regular landing pages, seasonal landing pages have unique characteristics:

  • Add Seasonal Aesthetics: Tailor the visual aesthetics of your seasonal landing pages to harmonize with the occasion, time of year, or festivity being spotlighted. Employ spirited imagery, dynamic GIFs, and engaging stickers to allure your audience.  Complement this with an irresistible Call to Action (CTA) and wording that reflects the holiday’s language.
  • Unveil Seasonal Offers: Highlighting special offers is often what draws customers in. Make sure your seasonal landing page is well-organized, directing attention to the featured deals. For example, a clear “15% Off” announcement communicates transparency.
  • Augment Resources: Boost customer interaction by providing extra resources and insights on your seasonal landing pages. Explain why your brand is the right choice through shopping guides and related product suggestions. Explore influencer marketing to incorporate video reviews or promotions.
  • Elevate Mobile Optimization: Make browsing easy by perfectly optimizing your seasonal landing page for both mobile and desktop views. Ensuring it looks good on different devices enhances accessibility and user satisfaction.
  • Showcase Testimonials and Reviews: Increase persuasion with strong social proof. Decorate your holiday landing page with visible testimonials and reviews. These real endorsements give customers the confidence to choose your brand without hesitation.

7 Best Shopify Landing Page Examples

1. Master & Dynamic

Shopify Landing Pages

Encountering a Master & Dynamic product landing page evokes a blend of descriptors – bold, elegant, and luxe. However, this product page distinguishes itself from the norm. Instead of immediately bombarding you with tons of product details and an “Add to Cart” button, it keeps things subtle. Your attention is drawn to a clear image of the product along with its name.

Shopify Landing Pages

Master & Dynamic masterfully harmonizes aesthetics and conversion efficiency. A subtle “Add to Bag” bar gracefully lingers at the page’s apex, subtly enhancing user experience. It avoids overt attention-grabbing yet serves as an ever-present prompt, gently reminding us of the possibility of owning these headphones. This clever design keeps you from backtracking and interrupting your smooth browsing, letting you explore without interruption if you’re interested in making a purchase.

2. HappySkinCo

Shopify Landing Pages

HappySkinCo skillfully communicates its product’s essence through imagery that showcases its offerings in action. The visuals feature lively individuals who embody a healthy lifestyle, creating a powerful connection with their target audience.

As you explore their homepage, you’re treated to a captivating display of social proof. Snapshots from social media highlight satisfied customers, weaving a dynamic tapestry that combines real-time feedback with the birth of a community brought together by a shared love for beauty. This digital camaraderie naturally fosters an environment where beauty enthusiasts effortlessly transition into potential customers.

Shopify Landing Pages

Their store focuses on a thoughtfully curated selection, evident in the shop buttons on their homepage. The interplay of discounts and compelling call-to-action buttons not only invites you in but visually captivates your attention.

3. Flow

Shopify Landing Pages

Flow takes pride in its seasonal landing pages that serve as valuable hubs for beekeeping insights. This smart strategy ensures that a diverse range of visitors can access relevant content all year round.

Their header bar goes the extra mile by customizing content based on location, adding a personalized touch for their global audience. A compelling case study is also shared below, acting as a shining testament to their excellence.

As you scroll through their pages, you’ll discover educational sections paired with inviting calls to action. Amidst various prompts and texts, their core messages and goals remain consistent and clear.

Shopify Landing Pages

Flow masterfully uses imagery to showcase its products in vibrant real-life scenarios. This artistic display forms a tangible connection between consumers and their natural offerings. Plus, their impeccable use of lighting only enhances the allure of their creations.

4. Luxy Hair

Shopify Landing Pages

Luxy Hair takes elegance to the forefront, enticing customers with the allure of high-quality human hair extensions. Catering primarily to women, the brand beautifully navigates the world of personalization to create a fulfilling shopping experience. The journey starts with choosing the thickness of hair, followed by seamlessly selecting the perfect color palette, all woven into an engaging quiz-style narrative. 

Shopify Landing Pages

This personalized journey culminates in a sanctuary of product pages, each carefully curated to match the seeker’s desires. What truly sets this space apart is the symphony of personalization that flows through every step. As Luxy Hair guides customers through this tailor-made adventure, the chances of making a purchase increase significantly, eliminating the need to wander aimlessly through various collections.

In this immersive experience, shipping costs and returns are thoughtfully addressed, not just an afterthought. Moreover, Luxy’s 24/7 customer support stands as a reassuring presence, guiding shoppers through any questions that may arise. With each purchase, a canvas of comfort is painted, thanks to Luxy Hair’s dedication.

5. Shopify

Shopify Landing Pages

Nestled within the digital realm of Shopify lies a strategic masterpiece – the free trial landing page. A symphony of simplicity and purpose, this page is a canvas of persuasion dedicated to one transformative call to action: “Start free trial.”

The choreography of a dual CTA unfolds gracefully. Placed prominently at the top, the CTA calls out to those ready to take action. As visitors scroll down, Shopify’s persuasive magic comes to life, painting a vivid picture of its value.

Shopify Landing Pages

However, the true brilliance of this design shines as the journey comes to a close. Just before departure, the page reiterates its purpose – a final invitation to engage. Visitors, immersed in the world of Shopify’s offerings, don’t need to backtrack. The gateway to starting their e-commerce journey remains, a seamless bridge to the beginning of their adventure.

6. Poo Pourri

Shopify Landing Pages

PooPourri invites you to embark on a delightful journey into the unexpected. With boldness and humor, the brand cleverly blends light-heartedness with the taboo, and this vibrant spirit seamlessly flows into its product pages.

A symphony of concise yet informative product descriptions, paired with vivid images and lively colors, graces the canvas. The synergy of words and visuals equips shoppers with the insights they need to decide if a whimsical toilet spray belongs in their lives.

The experience deepens as the curtain lifts on the “Most Poopular Products,” offering a tantalizing glimpse of companions for the curious. This touch, familiar to modern shoppers, creates a seamless shopping journey, offering alternatives if preferences change.

In a stroke of genius, the “How it Works” video unfolds, demystifying the intriguing “before-you-go” spray. A visual narrative guides newcomers, making even the intricate details crystal clear. And if questions arise, a whimsical “Let’s Talk Sh*t!” chat window emerges, where a friendly customer service representative is ready to shed light on any curious path.

7. Monk Manual

Monk Manual welcomes you with a serene backdrop, a concise yet evocative headline, and a subheader that sets the tone for the transformative journey ahead.

Shopify Landing Pages

The page elegantly weaves in social validation, displaying the collective praise for Monk Manual’s offerings. A compelling call to action emerges, seamlessly integrated for immediate engagement, eliminating the need to scroll. Its magnetic appeal encourages visitors to take action without hesitation.

The second aspect of Monk Manual’s landscape unveils an enticing vista—the heart of their referral program. With utmost transparency, milestones beckon customers to join a shared journey of discovery. The path leads to a pinnacle of 15 referrals, offering a range of rewards that enrich the journey for both referrers and those referred. Visualizing this progress fosters a sense of belonging.

Moreover, Monk Manual extends an invitation for patrons to amplify their connection. Social sharing buttons grace the page, allowing proud owners of Monk Manual’s offerings to share their newfound treasures. This strategic integration not only amplifies brand exposure but also ignites a ripple effect, potentially reaching new patrons.

How To Build A Landing Page That Convert With Shopify Landing Page Builder

01. Make a landing page by customizing Shopify pages

If you’re aiming to add a unique flair to your Shopify landing page, this method is designed to cater to your preferences. While it might require a bit more technical know-how, it opens up a world of opportunities for enhancing the design of your theme.

To begin customizing, you’ll need to integrate the desired page into your Shopify website. Additionally, to enhance the visual appeal of your site, make sure to gather suitable image assets.

  • Within the backend menu, navigate to the Online Store section, where you’ll discover the Pages option
  • By selecting “Add New,” you can initiate the creation of your fresh page. 
  • Take your time to carefully input all the necessary details, including the title and description, to make your landing page truly yours.
Shopify Landing Pages

Beneath, you’ll uncover a comprehensive, step-by-step manual crafted to guide you through the process of personalizing the newly added default page. 

Step 1: Prepare yourself before customizing your theme

  • Duplicate Theme: Create a backup by duplicating your theme to avoid losing changes.
  • Support Awareness: Understand available support levels for assistance.
  • Image Guidelines: Learn image upload requirements and best practices.

Step 2: Access your Shopify theme editor codes

  • Go to Theme Settings: Visit the Online Store, select Themes, and click “Customize” for your current theme.
Shopify Landing Pages
  • Explore Options: Use the drop-down menu to choose the page you want to edit.
  • A range of theme sections is at your disposal, enabling you to craft a tailored landing page even from scratch.

Step 3: Edit your code

  • Use Code Editor: The code editor presents a directory of theme files on the left, complemented by a workspace on the right for viewing and editing files.
Shopify Landing Pages
Shopify Landing Pages
  • Navigation and Editing: Click files to open and edit, the dot indicates modified files.
  • Master Languages: Familiarize with HTML, CSS, and Liquid for effective editing. Equipping yourself with a basic understanding of these languages empowers you to navigate and modify the code confidently.

02. Create a landing page using Shopify landing page apps

If you’re seeking more design freedom beyond the previously mentioned methods, utilizing third-party apps becomes an excellent beginner-friendly route to curate distinct Shopify landing pages. These apps, tailored for Shopify, provide an uncomplicated and streamlined experience. They seamlessly integrate into your store, featuring intuitive drag-and-drop design features that allow you to witness real-time changes. Moreover, these tools offer the convenience of pre-designed Shopify landing page templates.

One standout option in the market is PageFly, a Shopify landing page app worth exploring:


  • Free Creation: PageFly enables you to craft a free Shopify landing page, offering 50+ customizable page elements to elevate your landing pages and maximize conversion potential.
  • User-Friendly: Renowned for its ease of use, PageFly’s interface empowers users with varying skill levels to design landing pages effortlessly.
  • Template Variety: PageFly boasts a diverse collection of attractive Shopify landing page templates, making it simpler to create visually appealing pages.
  • Integration: Seamlessly connects with an array of other tools, enhancing the overall functionality of your landing pages.


  • Premium Templates: The most advanced design templates are exclusive to PageFly’s Pro and Premium plans, which may require an investment.

Step 1: Install the PageFly page builder

  • Head to the PageFly page on the Shopify App Store.
  • Click the “Add App” button, then provide your store’s URL to initiate the app installation.
Shopify Landing Pages

Step 2: Craft a Shopify Landing Page with PageFly

  • Within the Shopify admin sidebar, navigate to Apps > PageFly – Advanced Page Builder. This action redirects you to the PageFly Dashboard on a separate page.
  • Click on “Create a page” or the (+) icon found in the left menu.
  • Select your preferred page type in Page Settings. PageFly offers customizable primary page types like home pages, product pages, and more. For a blank canvas, opt for a regular page.
Shopify Landing Pages

Step 3: Add PageFly elements

  • Explore the array of PageFly basic elements and sections available in the page editor.
  • Utilize the drag-and-drop functionality to structure your page as per your vision.
  • Experiment freely with elements and configurations to achieve your desired store aesthetics.
  • Alternatively, take advantage of PageFly’s 60+ high-quality templates accessible in the page settings for added convenience.

Step 4: Preview or publish the page

  • After crafting your page, hit the “Save” button. This action stores the page in the database without making it public.
  • Gain a glimpse of the page’s appearance via the “Preview” feature.
  • When ready to showcase your creation, click the “Publish” button. This not only saves the page but also makes it accessible to the public.
  • Witness the live version of the page using “Live View.” The page will be linked to your store with the address “your-shop-name.myshopify.com/pages/page-name.”

For a more in-depth tutorial on creating a Shopify landing page using PageFly, refer to this resource: YouTube Tutorial

To access the PageFly page within the Shopify database, follow these steps: Shopify home > Sales Channels > Online Store > Pages. With these easy-to-follow instructions, you’re well on your way to crafting impactful Shopify landing pages with PageFly.

Shopify Landing Pages: FAQs

Absolutely. Shopify empowers you to fashion landing pages using the Shopify theme editor, particularly with the Online Store 2.0 themes. Begin by clicking the templates dropdown, selecting “Pages,” and then choosing “Create a template.” A modal will appear, prompting you for the template name and whether you wish to build it upon an existing template. This approach provides you with a solid foundation to start crafting your unique landing page template.

To optimize your landing pages for enhanced conversion rates, adhere to these three essential practices:

  1. Incorporate essential details in the upper section of page
  2. Craft a compelling, attention-grabbing call-to-action button featuring action-oriented text
  3. Establish an emotional bond with your users.

Shopify landing pages come at a cost, typically ranging from $700 for straightforward pages to around $1500 for more intricate design and development projects. The price variation depends entirely on the project’s complexity and extent. Some design agencies claim to offer 100% fixed pricing but be cautious. This often indicates that they might hurriedly assemble a free template and consider the job done.

  • A landing page can enhance your portfolio by adding valuable content.
  • It allows you to establish your authority and expertise within the Shopify community.
  • It showcases your skills and knowledge to a broader audience.
  • A landing page aids in driving traffic and capturing new leads.
  • It is an educational tool enabling you to upsell and upgrade your current clients.

Yes. For Shopify users, having a dedicated page builder designed specifically for Shopify is a valuable asset. This tool streamlines the process of building your store, saving you time and effort while also enabling you to craft visually captivating store pages with enhanced functionality.

Absolutely! Ecommerce landing pages play a crucial role in successful brand strategies. They serve to capture leads, direct targeted traffic to specific store sections, and ultimately facilitate sales. While product pages offer detailed views of individual items, landing pages serve as your digital storefront, enticing visitors to explore and engage.

Final Thoughts

Unlock the potential of your e-commerce venture with strategically crafted Shopify landing pages, boosting conversions and enhancing customer interactions. Elevate your business with the art of impactful Shopify landing pages on the Shopify platform.

Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.