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Lezada Shopify Theme: Best For Sleek & Modern Design 

June 21, 2024
Written and researched by experts at AvadaLearn more about our methodology

By Sam Nguyen

CEO Avada Commerce

If you are looking for a sleek and professional look for your Shopify online store, the Lezada Shopify theme is an excellent choice. I can confidently say that it’s easy to use and has advanced features, so I can flexibly customize it to fit my brand. If you’re ready to improve your online store, the Lezada theme is the perfect solution. Read on to learn more right now!

Avada’s Verdict
  • Wide Range of Demo Layouts
  • Integration with Marketing Tools
  • Flexibility and Feature Availability
  • Customizability and Design Quality
  • Detailed Documentation and Tutorials
  • Responsive and Mobile-Friendly Design
  • Responsive Customer Support and Service
  • Multi-language and Multi-currency Support
  • Less UI Quality
  • Slow Developer Updates
  • Lack of Premium Slider Plugins
Rating: 4.9/5⭐
Best For
Startups, small businesses, medium enterprises in car, smartwatch, sportwear, clothing,ceramics brands

Lezada Shopify Theme Overview

Lezada is a versatile and visually appealing Shopify theme designed to enhance the professional look of your eCommerce store. It offers a clean, modern design that is easy to navigate, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for your customers. 

Lezada Shopify Theme Overview

This theme is packed with over 220 pre-designed home versions, allowing you to choose a layout that best suits your business, whether selling fashion, electronics, beauty products or running a dropshipping store.

Key Features of the Lezada Shopify Theme

Discover the robust features and advantages that set the Lezada Shopify theme apart for your eCommerce success.

Multiple Home Versions 

With 220 meticulously crafted homepage designs and variations, the Lezada Shopify theme empowers me to create a visually stunning and uniquely tailored online presence for my brand. 

What sets Lezada apart is its intuitive drag-and-drop builder, which simplifies the customization process. I can effortlessly adjust the layout, rearrange elements, and tweak design details to match your brand’s aesthetic vision. This flexibility ensures that your online store looks professional and functions seamlessly across all devices.

Multiple Home Versions

40+ Drag and Drop Sections 

Lezada’s Shopify theme offers over 40 drag-and-drop sections, making it incredibly easy to customize your website. Whether you sell various products or specialized services, these sections help you create a unique online presence that reflects your brand. 

40+ Drag and Drop Sections

You can tailor each section to highlight key features, display customer testimonials, or promote special offers with simple drag-and-drop actions. This customization ensures your website meets your business goals and attracts and keeps your target audience’s attention.

Countdown Timer Banner

Lezada’s customizable countdown timer is a powerful tool that creates a sense of urgency for your customers. Visually showing time running out encourages them to act quickly, leading to more sales for your store. This timer is perfect for product launches, flash sales, and seasonal promotions, saving you time and effort in marketing.

Countdown Timer Banner

Mega Menu

The powerful Mega Menu feature can revolutionize your online store’s navigation. This customizable tool allows you to design a sophisticated menu system that enhances user experience and facilitates easy access to your products. 

By intuitively organizing your store’s categories and subcategories, the Mega Menu ensures that customers can quickly find what they’re looking for, improving satisfaction and reducing bounce rates.

Mega Menu

Slick slider 

Lezada’s Slick Slider feature lets you showcase your products in a visually appealing slideshow. This dynamic slider grabs attention right from your homepage, allowing you to highlight bestsellers, new arrivals, or seasonal collections. With its sleek design and interactive nature, it engages visitors and encourages them to explore your store.

Slick slider

With the Lezada Shopify theme, you can leverage the Related Products feature to maximize cross-selling and improve the shopping experience for your customers. This feature intelligently suggests complementary or similar products to the ones customers view, encouraging them to explore additional items and increase their order value.

Related product

Product Media

Lezada’s Shopify theme takes the shopping experience to the next level. It includes advanced product media features like 3D models, augmented reality (AR), and videos. These tools give customers a closer, more interactive look at your products, which builds trust and reduces uncertainty.

Product Media

Lezada Shopify Theme Pricing & Where To Buy It? 

Lezada is a premium Shopify theme available on ThemeForest for a one-time purchase of $79. This cost-effective solution eliminates ongoing monthly fees, making it an attractive option for businesses seeking a high-quality theme without recurring expenses.

Additional Costs to Consider:

  • Shopify Subscription: You’ll need an active Shopify subscription to use the theme.
  • Customization: If you require extensive customizations beyond what the theme offers out of the box, you may need to hire a developer.
  • Apps: Depending on your specific needs, you can add paid Shopify apps for additional features.

Customer Review & Feedback 

  • Rating: 4.89/5.0
  • Total reviews: 157
Customer Review & Feedback

Customer reviews for the Lezada Shopify Theme highlight its customization and design quality strengths, with users appreciating its user-friendly interface and robust customer support. 

The theme is praised for its adaptability across various eCommerce niches and its frequent updates, although some users have mentioned occasional issues with the update frequency and minor customization constraints.

  • Lezada is an excellent Shopify theme that is constantly updated by a talented development team. The theme’s customer support is also prompt and reliable. I highly recommend Lezada to anyone in need of a quality Shopify theme.” – RocWu
  • The developers are too slow in sync with SHopify features, They shall release frequent updates and new features, its almost a year since last update and nothing new is added. I got the package in which there were no premium slider plugins. Dawn theme is far better in customization and quality UI. waste of money”. Pakxpert
  • Fully customisable, user friendly Shopify Theme! Absolutely love the design freedom. Great Customer support. Always goes the extra mile to assist. Thank you Lezada Team!!!” – abdelsalam1

How To Add the Lezada Theme Shopify

Adding the Lezada Shopify Theme to your store is a simple process. Follow these steps, you can refer: 

  • Step 1: Ensure all theme files are compressed into a single ZIP file
  • Step 2: Log in to your Shopify admin panel, go to the “Online Store” section and select “Themes.”
How To Add the Lezada Theme Shopify-1
  • Step 3: Click the “Add theme” button, then choose “Upload zip file.”
How To Add the Lezada Theme Shopify-2
  • Step 4: In the Upload theme window, click the “Choose File” button to locate and pick the ZIP file for the Lezada Shopify Theme.
How To Add the Lezada Theme Shopify-3
  • Step 5: Confirm the upload process by clicking the “Upload” button.

Once uploaded, the Lezada theme will appear in your theme library, ready for customization and activation.

Who Is Lezada Shopify Theme for?

The Lezada Shopify theme caters specifically to various industries and niches, each benefiting from its versatile features:

  • Ecommerce Businesses: Due to its extensive features and customization options, Lezada is perfect for online stores of all kinds, whether you’re selling electronics, fashion, beauty products, or anything else.
  • Large and Small Businesses: With its scalable design, the Shopify Lezada theme can accommodate small startups and large enterprises. Its 220+ home versions and numerous customization options allow easy adaptation to different business sizes and needs.
  • Niche Stores: the Lezada theme caters to specific niches like sports equipment, pet stores, gardening supplies, or luxury goods. Its flexibility allows you to tailor the theme to match your brand’s unique identity.
  • Businesses Seeking a Modern and Customizable Theme: Lezada’s sleek design, drag-and-drop sections, and various header and footer variations make it an excellent choice for businesses prioritizing a visually appealing and customizable online store.
  • Businesses Looking for Speed and Performance: Built with the latest technologies like Bootstrap 4, CSS3, and HTML5, the Lezada Shopify theme is optimized for fast loading times, which can improve user experience and search engine rankings.

Lezada Shopify Theme Examples: Top 3 Online Stores Using the Lezada Shopify Theme

Nutri Bullet

  • Industry: Kitchen appliances 

With a focus on a healthy lifestyle, Nutri Bullet leverages Lezada’s capabilities to create a visually appealing and user-friendly shopping experience. The theme’s compatibility with various product categories and its responsive design ensures that customers can easily navigate and explore Nutri Bullet’s offerings, making shopping for blenders and accessories straightforward and enjoyable.

Nutri Bullet

My Meat Box

  • Industry: Food

My Meat Box offers customizable meat boxes that cater to various household sizes, encouraging customers to create their selections or opt for curated boxes. With features like intuitive navigation, clear product categorization, and possibly integrated subscription options (as implied by the 5% discount for subscriptions), Lezada effectively supports My Meat Box in showcasing their product range.

My Meat box

On Pets Life

  • Industry: Pet supplies and accessories

On Pets Life integrates seamlessly with Shopify’s platform, ensuring smooth navigation, fast loading times, and responsive device design. The theme’s features, like product sliders, promotional banners, and intuitive navigation menus, further contribute to a user-friendly shopping experience.

On Pets Life

Bottom Line

Lezada Shopify theme stands out as a versatile and user-friendly option for anyone looking to establish or enhance their online store. With its extensive customization options, robust feature set, and responsive design, the Lezada theme empowers businesses to create compelling eCommerce experiences that resonate with customers.

FAQs: Lezada Shopify Theme

Yes, Lezada Shopify theme comes with a drag-and-drop page builder and over 40 pre-designed sections, making it extremely easy to customize without needing any coding skills.

Yes! Lezada Shopify theme is fully responsive and optimized for mobile devices, ensuring your store looks great and functions smoothly on smartphones and tablets.

Yes, the Lezada Shopify theme is versatile and suitable for various product types, from fashion and electronics to home goods. Its multiple home versions and flexible design cater to different business needs.

The Lezada Shopify theme offers comprehensive customer support via email and a dedicated support portal. They are responsive and ready to assist with any theme-related queries or issues.

Yes, the Lezada Shopify theme includes built-in SEO features to help optimize your store for search engines. This includes customizable meta tags, alt texts for images, and clean, SEO-friendly code.

Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.