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Jungle Scout Vs. Helium 10: Detailed Comparison for Amazon Sellers

July 02, 2024
Written and researched by experts at AvadaLearn more about our methodology

By Sam Nguyen

CEO Avada Commerce

Jungle Scout and Helium 10? Which is a big decision for your Amazon business? In this review, we’ll dive deep into both tools, highlighting their pros and cons to help you make an informed choice.

Let’s closely examine their features, pricing, accuracy, and overall user experience.

By the time we’re done, you’ll have a clear idea of which tool suits your needs and budget, giving you the edge you need to succeed on Amazon.

Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10: Quick Comparison


Jungle Scout

Helium 10



$49 – $199/month

$39 – $279/month

Jungle Scout 

Accuracy and Reliability

84.1% accuracy rate

74% accuracy rate

Jungle Scout

Product Research Features

Larger database

Slightly smaller database size

Jungle Scout

Sales Estimates and Competitor Data

Comprehensive metrics

Similar to Jungle Scout but less accuracy rate

Jungle Scout

Product Tracker

Detailed tracking

More Detailed tracking

Helium 10

Historical Data

Up to 2 years (depending on types of data)

Up to 2 years

Helium 10

Keyword Research

Comprehensive data

Deep keyword insights

Helium 10

Listing Builder and Optimization

Robust features

Similar features

Helium 10

User Interface and Ease of Use


Slight learning curve

Jungle Scout

Customer Ratings and Reviews

Higher Trust Score

Lower Trust Score

Jungle Scout

Customer Support

Live chat, knowledge base, email support, weekly live Q&A

Live chat, knowledge base, email support, training program

Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10: In-Depth Comparison


Jungle Scout:

  • Starter: $49/month
  • Growth Accelerator: $79/month 
  • Brand Owner: $199/month

Jungle Scout is competitively priced and perfect for new sellers. There is no free trial, but they offer a full refund within the first 7 days if you are unsatisfied. 

Helium 10:

  • Starter: $39/month 
  • Platinum: $99/month 
  • Diamond: $279/month

Helium 10’s plans are pricier but pack more tools and features. Plus, there’s no time limit on the Free Trial account. You can stay in “Free Trial” mode forever if you like. However, the free trial account has limited features and isn’t enough to run a business.

Which is better? 

Jungle Scout is cheaper than Helium 10 for the mid and high tiers. 

Accuracy and Reliability

Both Jungle Scout and Helium 10 are known for their accuracy.

But here’s the juicy part.

Upon further research, we found that Jungle Scout has an 84.1% accuracy rate. This means there’s only a 15.9% chance of being wrong. This high accuracy can help you trust the data and make better decisions.

Meanwhile, Helium 10 is less accurate, with a 74% rate. This means a 26% chance of being wrong. That’s a lot higher than Jungle Scout. You might need to double-check the data more often with Helium 10.

Here is what a Redditor said about the accuracy of Jungle Scout and Helium 10:

Accuracy and Reliability between Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10

Which is Better?

Jungle Scout, with an 84.1% accuracy rate, is more accurate than Helium 10 (only a 74% rate). 

In-Depth Feature Comparison 

This is a quick look at the features of Jungle Scout and Helium 10 before we dive in deeper. 


Jungle Scout

Helium 10

Product Research

Product Database

Keyword Research

Competitor Analysis

Listing Optimization

Sales Analytics

Sales Tracking

Profit Calculation

Inventory Management

Additional Features

Supplier Database

Review Automation

Refund Management

Fraud Protection

PPC Management

Chrome Extension

Other Considerations

Customer Support

Product Research Features

Database Size

Jungle Scout boasts a vast database, tracking over 475 million products across ten marketplaces. You’ll find everything from electronics, home and kitchen, beauty, toys, and clothing. This massive database gives you endless options, which is excellent for finding niche products and staying competitive.

Helium 10 also offers a large database, tracking over 450 million products. It covers the same categories, giving you lots of choices. This extensive data helps you spot market trends and find profitable items, giving you an edge in the market.

However, Jungle Scout’s slightly larger database offers a broader range of products, making it a bit more comprehensive for sellers looking for the widest possible selection. 

As someone who has dabbled in both platforms, I find Jungle Scout’s larger database and additional filtering options to be incredibly valuable. 

The Listing Quality Score, for instance, has been a game-changer, helping me quickly assess product potential without wading through endless listings. When I was starting out, finding that perfect niche product felt like looking for a needle in a haystack. Jungle Scout’s detailed filters saved me countless hours and helped me zero in on profitable items faster.

On the other hand, Helium 10’s Black Box is robust and user-friendly, but the 200-product limit per search sometimes feels restrictive. This limitation forced me to apply very specific filters, which occasionally led to missing out on broader market opportunities.

Which is Better?

Jungle Scout wins due to its slightly larger database,  tracking over 475 million products compared to Helium 10’s 450 million.

Product Filters

Jungle Scout, with its Product Database, offers a variety of filters to refine your searches. You can filter by:

  • Product category
  • Price range
  • Estimated sales
  • Estimated revenue
  • Reviews
  • Rating
  • Listing Quality Score (LQS)
  • Seller type (FBA, FBM, Amazon)
  • Best Seller Rank (BSR)
  • Sales rank
  • Launch

For example, if you want to find niche products in the beauty category, you can set filters for price ($20-$50), sales (300-500/month), reviews (under 50), and rating (4 stars+). These detailed filters help you narrow your search and find the best products to sell.

Product Filters between Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10

Plus, you can even save your filter set with Jungle Scout to save time for the next research.

On the other hand, Helium 10’s Black Box, a robust product research tool, provides similar filters. It includes:

  • Product category
  • Price range
  • Estimated sales
  • Estimated revenue
  • Reviews
  • Rating
  • BSR
  • Fulfillment type (FBA, FBM, Amazon)
  • Review velocity
  • Weight and size

But here’s the catch! 

Many sellers use Helium 10, so the “low competition” products it suggests might not be as low competition as they seem. Plus, Black Box limits the search results to 200 products per search. This preset limit encourages you to apply filters to target only the product you want to sell.

Product Filters between Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10

While both tools offer comprehensive filtering options, Jungle Scout’s additional features, like the Listing Quality Score and the ability to filter by sales rank and launch date, give it a slight edge. These features help you identify high-potential products more precisely. 

As we researched and read user reviews from both platforms, this is what they said:

Product Filters between Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10

Which is Better?

Jungle Scout wins in this competition because Helium 10 limits the search results to 200 products per search.

Sales Estimates and Competitor Data

Jungle Scout provides accurate sales estimates, review counts, and competitor data. Many users and industry experts, like WAHL, trust it, which makes it a reliable tool for sellers who need detailed insights into market performance. 

Sales Estimates and Competitor Data

Using Jungle Scout, you can see exactly how your products stack up against competitors by analyzing sales and review numbers.

Similarly, Helium 10 offers precise sales estimates and competitor analysis. It consistently checks data to ensure accuracy. Sellers can rely on this information to make smart decisions about product performance and competition.

Which is Better?

Jungle Scout is the winner as it has the edge in terms of accuracy.

Product Tracker

Jungle Scout’s Product Tracker is a must-have for Amazon sellers. It helps you monitor competitor products easily. You can track sales estimates, price changes, review updates, and inventory levels. This detailed information helps you understand the market, spot trends, and adjust your strategies.

For example, if a competitor’s inventory drops suddenly, they might run out of stock. This gives you a chance to capture more sales.

The dashboard shows key metrics at a glance, including:

  • Sales rank
  • Best Seller Rank (BSR)
  • Price changes
  • Review changes
  • Inventory levels
  • Organic and sponsored keyword ranks
  • Total sales
  • Advertising Cost of Sale (ACoS)
  • Total Advertising Cost of Sale (TACoS)

You can also set up alerts for specific changes in product performance. This means you’ll always stay updated on important shifts.

With Jungle Scout, you can track up to 50 products on the basic plan, 150 products on the mid-tier plan, and 2,000 products on the highest plan. It offers historical product tracking data for 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months. Plus, you can export data easily.

Product Tracker between Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10

But there’s some sad news.

Some users have noticed occasional data errors, especially for newer or less popular products. The tool also doesn’t predict future trends. Its accuracy can be affected by seasonality and promotions, so you need to be careful with the data.

Product Tracker between Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10

Helium 10 is compatible with Amazon and offers a market research tool called Market Tracker. It offers up to 2 years of historical market data.

Helium 10’s Product Tracker has both good and bad points. It gives you a complete look at competitor products. It shows daily sales estimates, price changes, and Best Seller Rank (BSR) ups and downs. This data helps you spot market trends and tweak your strategies.

For example, if a competitor’s sales spike, it might be because of a successful promotion you could copy.

However, some users say that Product Tracker’s data doesn’t always match Amazon’s numbers. This happens especially for products with low sales or in less popular categories. Plus, while it shows past data, it doesn’t predict future trends. This limits its forecasting use.

Product Tracker

Which is Better?

Helium 10 is better for its more detailed data. 

Historical Data

Jungle Scout gives you lots of historical data. The graphs are easy to read, showing sales trends, price history, and review history for products. 

This helps you understand past performance and spot trends quickly. By pulling data from Amazon’s API and examining historical sales, Jungle Scout gives you a clear picture of the market.

For historical product tracking, you can get data for 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months. 

For historical keyword data, you can access data for 1 month, 1 year, and 2 years. 

Historical Data between Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10

Helium 10’s tracking history depends on the tool you use. 

Helium 10’s Market Tracker 360 offers up to 2 years of historical market data for products and keywords.

The search volume trend metric shows if a keyword is getting hotter or colder compared to last month. You can even zoom in on specific times to see detailed data.

Helium 10 updates search volume data every day, so you always get the latest information. 

When comparing the two, Jungle Scout’s historical data is more straightforward. It’s easier to access with user-friendly graphs and extended time frames. Helium 10 offers detailed keyword tracking and market insights, but its data is more segmented and can be harder to navigate.

Historical Data between Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10

Which is Better?

Helium 10 wins as it offers longer historical data for more metrics.

Keyword Research

Jungle Scout and Helium 10 both offer great keyword research tools. They help sellers optimize their Amazon listings. But they have different strengths and weaknesses.

Jungle Scout has some fantastic features. 

Keyword Scout provides comprehensive keyword data. It includes search volume, competition level, and suggested bids for PPC campaigns. 

Keyword Research between Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10

Opportunity Finder helps you identify high-demand, low-competition niches. It uses keyword trends to find these opportunities. 

Keyword Research between Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10

But there’s some sad news. 

Jungle Scout’s keyword database might not offer as much historical data as Helium 10. 

Some users have also reported discrepancies with Amazon’s actual search results. 

Plus, full access to all keyword tools requires a paid subscription.

Jungle Scout calculates search volume and competition using Amazon search data. It provides accurate and reliable metrics, but some users report lacking depth in certain areas, such as PPC bid recommendations. This limitation can affect the precision of budget planning for ad campaigns.

Jungle Scout doesn’t offer several PPC automation and optimization features. However, you can use other features, such as Keyword Scout, for your PPC campaigns. 

Keyword Research between Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10

Helium 10 has some really cool tools, too. It excels with its powerful tools like Cerebro and Magnet. These tools provide deep insights into competitor strategies and keyword trends. The platform offers detailed tracking of keyword rankings. 

Cerebro is a powerful reverse ASIN tool. It reveals competitor keywords and search volumes. This gives you valuable insights into their strategies. 

Keyword Research between Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10

Magnet helps you find high-volume, relevant keywords. It uses seed keywords or competitor ASINs. Keyword Tracker tracks organic and sponsored keyword rankings over time. It shows search volume trends and competitor performance.

Keyword Research between Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10

Meanwhile, Helium 10 offers advanced tools like Adtomic, which provide enhanced PPC campaign optimization and automation. Adtomic uses AI to adjust bids and optimize campaigns in real-time. This helps sellers get the best possible return on their ad spend.

Helium 10’s PPC tools are also highly effective. With features like Adtomic, sellers can achieve lower ACOS, higher conversion rates, and better click-through rates. The advanced automation and optimization capabilities provide a significant advantage in managing PPC campaigns. 

For example, sellers using Helium 10 often see a reduction in their ad spending while maintaining or increasing their sales, thanks to the tool’s precise bid adjustments.

Keyword Research between Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10

But there’s more to consider. Some users report discrepancies between Helium 10 data and actual Amazon search results. The platform’s many features can be overwhelming for beginners. 

Higher-tier plans with advanced keyword tools can be expensive, too.

However, data accuracy can sometimes be off. The platform may feel overwhelming to new users. And the higher-tier plans can be pretty costly.

On the other hand, Jungle Scout’s Keyword Scout provides comprehensive keyword data. It helps find high-demand, low-competition niches with its Opportunity Finder. The Listing Builder is excellent for optimizing product listings. However, Jungle Scout may lack the depth of historical data that Helium 10 offers. Users have noted some discrepancies in data accuracy. Accessing the full suite of tools requires a paid subscription.

So, if you want powerful keyword research with in-depth competitor analysis, Helium 10 might be the better choice. But if you prefer a more straightforward tool with great optimization features, Jungle Scout could be the way to go!

However, chances are these two tools can be inaccurate. In this case, if you are brand registered, we suggest you go to Growth > Product Opportunity Explorer in your Amazon Seller Central account for keyword and niche trends data. This is more accurate since it comes directly from Amazon.

From our analysis of the pros and cons of each platform, we can say that what we found is pretty consistent with this review from a Redditor:

Keyword Research between Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10

Which is Better?

Helium 10 is better for keyword research tools. 

Listing Builder and Optimization

Jungle Scout offers a robust listing builder and grader. It includes an AI listing writer, keyword suggestions, a listing score, and optimization recommendations. It provides a real-time grade that measures product titles, descriptions, key features, keywords, images, and more, so you have instant live feedback to adjust your listing. 

For example, if the score is low due to poor image quality, Jungle Scout will suggest uploading higher-resolution images.

Listing Builder and Optimization between Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10

Listing Builder helps optimize your product listings with keyword-rich titles, descriptions, and bullet points.

Helium 10’s listing builder and grader also provide similar features. It allows you to create and optimize your product listings, now enhanced with AI. 

Tools like Scribbles help sellers ensure they are using all their targeted keywords effectively. Additionally, Helium 10 offers more in-depth analysis, such as checking for backend search term optimization. Integrated with Chat GPT, Listing Builder AI saves you time by generating SEO-optimized content in minutes.

Listing Builder and Optimization between Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10

Which is Better?

Helium 10 is better for the listing builder and grader. 

User Interface and Ease of Use

Jungle Scout’s user interface is straightforward and easy to navigate. The listing builder and grader tools are intuitive, making it simple for users to input their data and receive feedback. Sellers, especially those new to Amazon, find Jungle Scout’s interface user-friendly and effective for quick optimizations.

Helium 10 offers more advanced features, so it has a slight learning curve. However, once users are familiar with the tools, they appreciate the detailed insights and comprehensive features. 

Which is Better?

Jungle Scout is better for ease of use. 

Customer Ratings and Reviews

On Trustpilot, Jungle Scout has a TrustScore of 4.8 out of 5. The company actively engages with customers, responding to 92% of negative reviews within a week.

What Customers Like

Customers love Jungle Scout for its accuracy, ease of use, and great customer support. Many find it essential for daily operations, especially for product research and sales analysis. The support team responds quickly and is very helpful, making the tool reliable and user-friendly.

What Customers Don’t Like

Some users think the sales estimate algorithm needs improvement. Others mention that features for international markets could be better.

Customer Ratings and Reviews between Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10

Meanwhile, Helium 10 has a TrustScore of 3.3 out of 5 on Trustpilot. The company replies to only 8 out of 80 negative reviews within two weeks.

What Customers Like

Users appreciate Helium 10’s features, especially in the higher-tier plans. They find it effective for optimizing Amazon listings and product research. Despite some criticisms, many find it beneficial for their business.

What Customers Don’t Like

The basic plan’s limited functionality frustrates users. They often feel misled about these limitations before purchasing. Customers also report slow support responses and unresolved issues. Some find the tool’s accuracy inconsistent, which affects their decisions.

Customer Ratings and Reviews between Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10

So, from our research, you can see that more users are satisfied with Jungle Scout than Helium 10.

Customer Support


Jungle Scout

Helium 10

Live Chat Support



Knowledge Base



Email Support



Training Resources

Weekly live Q&A

Freedom Ticket program for in-depth learning

Customer Support between Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10

While providing similar customer service channels, customers on Trustpilot rated Jungle Scout higher than Helium 10. So, in this competition, we’d give Jungle Scout a slight edge over Helium. 

Which is Better?

Jungle Scout is better for customer service. 

Who Should Use Jungle Scout vs Helium 10?

You should use Jungle Scout if you’re:

  • New amazon sellers
  • Data-driven sellers
  • Budget-conscious sellers
  • Sellers seeking simplicity
  • Product launchers
  • International sellers

You should use Helium 10 if you’re:

  • Experienced amazon sellers
  • Keyword-focused sellers
  • Sellers with larger budgets
  • Private label sellers
  • Data analysts

FAQs: Jungle Scout Vs Helium 10

It depends on your specific needs and priorities. Jungle Scout has a user-friendly interface, responsive customer support, and a strong community. Meanwhile, Helium 10 offers a wider range of features, in-depth training resources, and a more budget-friendly option. Consider which factors are most important to you before making a decision.

Yes, Jungle Scout is an effective tool for Amazon sellers. It provides valuable insights and data to help you research products, optimize listings, track keywords, and analyze competitors. However, the effectiveness ultimately depends on how well you utilize the available features and information.

Helium 10 has improved its data accuracy, but it may not be as accurate as Jungle Scout. Both tools offer sales estimates, but the accuracy can vary depending on the product and market conditions. It's important to use these estimates as a guide rather than absolute truth.

No, Jungle Scout is not owned by Amazon. It is an independent company that provides tools and resources for Amazon sellers.

Jungle Scout product tracker is generally accurate, but it's important to note that it's an estimate based on historical data and current market trends. The actual sales figures may vary depending on various factors.

Jungle Scout is better for beginners due to its user-friendly interface and intuitive features. It offers a streamlined experience that's easier to navigate than Helium 10's more comprehensive suite of tools.


We hope this comparison of Jungle Scout vs Helium 10 has made it easier for you to choose the right tool to help your Amazon business grow. All the best!

Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.