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How To Change Your YouTube Handle | Ultimate Guide

January 09, 2024
Written and researched by experts at AvadaLearn more about our methodology

By Sam Nguyen

CEO Avada Commerce

change youtube handle

Key Takeaways

  • Updating your YouTube handle allows you to align it with your brand or content niche, enhancing your channel’s identity and recognition.
  • A well-chosen YouTube handle has the potential to elevate viewer interaction. An easily memorable handle can increase your chances of recognition and engagement, fostering a stronger connection with your audience.

In this article, you can explore everything about YouTube handles and discover how tweaking this identifier can influence your online journey.

YouTube Handle: What is it?

change youtube handle

A YouTube handle is like a unique name tag for your YouTube account. It’s a unique symbol that starts with the ‘@’ sign and comes before your name or nickname, just like on Twitter or Instagram. People can use your YouTube handle to easily find your channel, just like how they find you on other social media platforms.

Each creator’s YouTube handle is one-of-a-kind, unlike YouTube channel names that can be the same even when they belong to different creators. This makes it easy for you to stand out and be recognized on YouTube if your handle is unique.

How does YouTube handle work?

1. Personalized URL: If you’ve got a custom web address (URL) for your channel, that URL becomes your handle. 

2. New Handle and URL: If you don’t have a custom URL, YouTube will create a new handle for you and become part of your channel’s web address. So, if your handle is, let’s say, “@YouTubeCreator,” your channel’s web address will be https://YouTube.com/YouTubeCreator.

3. Share Across Social Media: You can use your handle to lead people to your YouTube channel from other social media sites. It’s like having a shortcut to your content!

4. Latest YouTube Update: YouTube has made some recent changes to handles:

  • Handles will appear for your viewers on your homepage, in YouTube Shorts, search results, comments, and tags.
  • If you’re just starting or have a smaller channel, your handle will also act as a verification badge – like a stamp of authenticity.
  • Everyone has a chance to create their handle, but it can’t be longer than 30 characters. And you have to follow all of the rules and regulations for creating YouTube’s handle.
  • YouTube will let channels know when handles are available in their region. YouTube will automatically assign one if you can’t claim your handle by November 14, 2022. But don’t worry, you can still change it later.

5. Handles vs. Channel Names: YouTube channel names are a way to identify creators. People can find your channel by typing in your channel name. But there’s a catch – many people can have the same channel name. That’s where handles come in! Every handle is one-of-a-kind, so there’s no mix-up.

Step-by-Step guide to getting a YouTube Handle

change youtube handle

Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting your YouTube handle:

  1. Getting Your YouTube Handle:
  2. Visit www.YouTube.com/handle using your computer or the YouTube app on your mobile device.
  3. Click on the “Choose Handle” option. A handle might be reserved for you if you already have a personalized URL.
  4. Type in your preferred handle in the provided “Handle” field. You can also choose from the suggested handles or a prefilled one.
  5. After entering your preferred handle, click “Confirm Selection.”
  6. Note: If another channel already takes your preferred handle, it won’t be available.
  7. You won’t be eligible to get a YouTube handle if you don’t have an existing YouTube channel.

Creating Your Personal YouTube Channel:

In case you don’t have a YouTube channel yet, here is a detailed guide to creating a channel instantly:

  1. Sign in to YouTube using a computer or a mobile site.
  2. Click on your profile picture.
  3. Select “Create a Channel.”
  4. You’ll be prompted to enter the required details.
  5. Double-check the provided details, including your account name and profile photo.
  6. Once you know the details, click “Confirm” to create your channel.

How to change your YouTube Handle?

change youtube handle

Changing your YouTube handle is easy. Just follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Access the Website: Open your web browser on your computer or launch the YouTube app on your mobile device.
  • Step 2: Navigate to the Handle Page: In the address bar of your web browser, type in www.YouTube.com/handle and hit Enter. Go to the “YouTube Handle” section if you’re using the YouTube app.
  • Step 3: Choose to Change Handle: Look for the “Change Handle” option and click on it. This button will let you pick a new handle for your channel.
  • Step 4: Enter Your Preferred Handle: A new page will open where you can enter the handle you’d like to have. The handle should reflect your identity or brand, and it must meet the guidelines set by YouTube.
  • Step 5: Check Availability: The system will check if it’s available after typing in your preferred handle. If another user already takes it, you’ll need to come up with a different handle.
  • Step 6: Confirm Your Choice: The system will show you it’s ready if your preferred handle is available. Before finalizing, take a moment to double-check if the handle is precisely how you want it to appear.
  • Step 7: Click “Confirm.”: Once you know your choice, click the “Confirm” button. This officially sets your new handle for your YouTube channel.

Changing your handle is a simple process that allows you to personalize your presence on YouTube. Make sure to choose a handle that represents you or your content effectively. Remember, your YouTube handle lets viewers easily find you, so you should pick something memorable and relevant to your channel.

Reminders on naming your YouTube to Handle?

change youtube handle

Users should follow these reminder guidelines to create a YouTube handle smoothly:

  • Your handle should be between 3 and 30 characters in length. This range ensures your handle is neither too short nor too long.
  • You can use alphanumeric characters, letters from A to Z (uppercase and lowercase) and numbers from 0 to 9.
  • Feel free to include underscores (_), periods (.), and hyphens (-) in your handle. These symbols can help make your handle more unique and recognizable.
  • Your handle must be unique and not already used by another YouTube channel. This ensures that your handle is exclusively yours.
  • Your handle shouldn’t resemble a URL or phone number. This helps keep handles distinct from website links or contact information.
  • Your handle must follow YouTube’s community guidelines. This means your handle should not contain any offensive, inappropriate, or misleading content.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to come up with a catchy and memorable YouTube handle that reflects your identity and content. Happy naming!

Tricks for picking the appropriate YouTube Handle

change youtube handle

To stand out and make it easy for users to find you, YouTube channel owners can follow these tips for an appealing YouTube handle:

  • Align with Your Channel Name: Choose a handle that resembles your channel’s name. This minimizes confusion and helps viewers locate you effortlessly.
  • Keep It Short: A concise handle is memorable and shareable. Long handles are hard to remember and pass on to others.
  • Reflect Your Content Niche: If a handle matching your channel’s name isn’t available, opt for one related to your content’s theme. This aids recall and visibility.
  • Use Relevant Keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords in your handle to enhance searchability and visibility, mainly if you’re focused on a specific niche or business.
  • Make it Catchy: An attractive handle captures attention and encourages sharing. A complex handle might be forgotten, reducing your potential audience reach.
  • Ease of Pronunciation: Handles that are easy to pronounce are more likely to stick in people’s minds. Avoid using numbers to prevent confusion and forgetfulness.
  • Personal Branding: Consider using your first and last name for personal brands. It contributes to building a solid personal brand identity.
  • Follow Guidelines: Always adhere to YouTube’s guidelines while choosing your handle. This is essential to maintain consistency and professionalism.

Examples of Well-Known YouTubers and Their Handles:

  • MrBeast: Handle – @MrBeast
  • PewDiePie: Handle – @PewDiePie
  • Technical Guruji: Handle – @technicalguruji

Advantages of YouTube Handles:

YouTube handles provide a range of benefits to users:

  • Simplifying Search: Handles streamline content discovery for creators and viewers.
  • Tagging and Connection: Handles facilitate video tagging and connecting with fellow creators.
  • Unique Presence: A unique handle creates a distinct online presence and aids in standing out.
  • Growth Tool: Handles contribute to your channel’s growth by making it easier for users to find and engage with your content.

In a crowded platform like YouTube, a well-chosen handle can be a powerful tool for visibility and growth. It aligns with your brand, simplifies user interaction, and ensures you’re easily recognizable among a sea of content creators.

YouTube Handle: FAQs

change youtube handle
YouTube handles differ from channel names and are distinct for each channel. They serve as unique identifiers for your channel, starting with the ‘@’ symbol.

Selecting an appropriate YouTube handle is crucial as it becomes a way for people to recognize you and your brand. When picking a handle, consider these points:

  • Opt for a handle that’s easy to remember and pronounce.
  • Keep the handle under 30 characters in length.
  • Aim for a handle with fewer than five syllables.
  • Ensure your chosen handle adheres to YouTube’s guidelines.
  • To share your YouTube handle, you have a couple of options like Copy and paste the URL of your channel, or Share your handle using the ‘@’ symbol before it.
    Your YouTube handle serves multiple purposes:

  • Opt for a handle that’s easy to remember and pronounce.
  • Keep the handle under 30 characters in length.
  • Aim for a handle with fewer than five syllables.
  • Aim for a handle with fewer than five syllables.
  • Ensure your chosen handle adheres to YouTube’s guidelines.
  • Bottom line

    With YouTube Handles, finding creators you like is easier. It’s like a unique name that helps you spot your favorite people. Moreover, YouTube Handles also help keep the bad stuff away by making the platform safer by stopping fake comments and interactions from bots and frauds.

    Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.