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View Product's Inventory History on Shopify in 5 Easy Steps

Last updated: August 30, 2024
Written and researched by experts at AvadaLearn more about our methodology

By Sam Nguyen

CEO Avada Commerce

Maintaining accurate inventory records is essential for any Shopify merchant, and understanding your product’s inventory history is crucial for informed decision-making. This article will illuminate the straightforward process of viewing your product’s inventory history within the Shopify platform, empowering you to track stock levels, identify adjustments, and optimize your inventory management strategy.  

What information to view on your Product’s Inventory History on Shopify?

Before learning how to view a product’s inventory, let’s discuss the information that you will see when viewing it.

  • Date means the time when you make each adjustment.
  • Event is the reason which causes the changes such as an order or a transfer.
  • Adjusted by will tell you the name and information of the people who made the changes.
  • Adjustment is the quantity of the negative and positive adjustment changes that you have made.
  • Quantity is the inventory quantity of a product or a variant after you apply the adjustment.

How to view a Product’s Inventory History on Shopify

Step 1: Go to the Products section

The first thing you will have to do in this step is log into your Shopify account. On the Shopify admin’s left sidebar, you can view various sections, including the Products section (the area you need to proceed).

View a Product Inventory History on Shopify 1

Step 2: Choose a product

After finishing the above step, you will see a list that includes all the products that you have added before. Choose the product that you want to view by clicking on the name of that product.

View a Product Inventory History on Shopify 2

Step 3: View the product’s inventory

View the product that has variants

In the case the product you choose has variants, you will need to go to the Variants section, and then drag the horizontal scroll bar to the right. You can edit the number of products available for each variant.

View a Product Inventory History on Shopify 3</figure>

View the product that has NO variants

With the products that have no variants, you can proceed to the “Inventory” area to view the current statistics of your product’s inventory, including:

  • SKU (Stock Keeping Unit).
  • Barcode (ISBN, UPC, GTIN, etc.

View a Product Inventory History on Shopify 4</figure>

Step 4: Adjustment history

You can click the “Adjustment history” button to make changes to your inventory history. 

View a Product Inventory History on Shopify 5</figure>

When viewing the product’s inventory history on Shopify, online merchants may encounter several technical issues. Here is the latest troubleshooting guide related to this expertise:

No History Found:

  • Ensure you’ve enabled inventory tracking for the product.
  • Check if you’re viewing the correct product variant (if applicable).

Missing Adjustments:

  • Some changes might not appear immediately; wait a few minutes and refresh.
  • Third-party app adjustments might not always show in Shopify’s history.

History Beyond 90 Days:

  • Shopify’s built-in history is limited to 90 days. Export the history regularly or use an inventory app for longer-term tracking.

Data Discrepancies:

  • Double-check inventory levels with physical counts.
  • Investigate potential causes like app conflicts or manual adjustments.

Access Issues:

  • Ensure you have the necessary staff permissions to view inventory history.
  • Clear the browser cache and try a different browser if experiencing technical issues.


Can I see the reason behind each inventory adjustment in the history?

Yes, Shopify’s inventory history typically includes an “Activity” column that details the event that triggered the adjustment, such as a new order, a return, or a manual change.

Is there a way to filter the inventory history by specific date ranges or adjustment types?

Unfortunately, Shopify’s built-in inventory history view doesn’t offer filtering options. However, you might consider exporting the history to a CSV file for further analysis or exploring third-party apps that provide enhanced filtering capabilities.

Does Shopify’s inventory history show adjustments made through third-party apps or integrations?

Yes, Shopify’s inventory history should reflect all adjustments made to a product’s inventory, regardless of whether they were made directly within Shopify or through a connected app or integration.

Can I view the inventory history for multiple products or variants at the same time?

No, Shopify’s built-in inventory history view is limited to a single product or variant at a time. To see the history of multiple products, you would need to navigate to each product individually.

What if I need to track inventory changes beyond the 90-day limit provided by Shopify?

For longer-term inventory tracking, you can consider exporting the inventory history regularly and storing the data in a spreadsheet or database. Alternatively, some third-party inventory management apps may offer extended historical data tracking capabilities.


From our instructions above, we hope that you can easily view your Product’s Inventory history for smooth management of your Shopify store’s inventory. Should you have further inquiries or wish to share your experiences regarding inventory tracking on Shopify, we welcome your participation in the comments section below.

Further Reading: How to Set Up Inventory Tracking on Shopify

Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.

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