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Shopify Dropshipping Case Study | 2024 Review

February 22, 2024
Written and researched by experts at AvadaLearn more about our methodology

By Sam Nguyen

CEO Avada Commerce

shopify dropshipping case study

In this article, we will explore the world of Shopify dropshipping and how it can help you launch your own e-commerce business with minimal investment and hassle. We will also look at some of the most successful Shopify dropshipping case studies and learn from their experiences and strategies.

Key Takeaways

  • Shopify dropshipping is a low-risk, high-reward way to start an online store without dealing with inventory, shipping, or fulfillment.
  • You can create a profitable Shopify dropshipping store by finding a niche, choosing reliable suppliers, designing a user-friendly website, and marketing your products effectively.
  • Learn the inspiring Shopify dropshipping case study of Tom Sagi and other related stories for references.

Shopify Dropshipping Case Study: Tom Sagi 

Who is Tom Sagi?

shopify dropshipping case study

Tom Sagi is an intelligent young man from Israel. He began his online career when he was just twenty years old. Like many of us, he searched for a way to earn money.

In Tom’s situation, starting a business was challenging because he served in the Israeli Defense Force at the time. He realized that the only option available to him was to establish an online business.

That’s when he started exploring various methods to generate income online. Even though he was a soldier on a military base, he had limited time and resources. However, he did have access to electricity, the internet, and a device for work. With his determination and motivation, these resources were enough to get him started.

The journey to Tom Sagi’s dropshipping discovery

shopify dropshipping case study

Tom’s dropshipping journey began when he enrolled in a course teaching how to sell products on Amazon using Amazon’s FBA service. He did this for a while, but soon after completing his military service, he had a new plan.

At that point, he strongly desired to travel abroad after serving in the army for three years. So, he embarked on an exciting adventure to South America and had a fantastic time, but returned home with little money. Once back, he started searching for ways to make a living again.

Instead of pursuing a traditional 9-5 job, Tom wanted a stable online income that would allow him to work comfortably from anywhere. He preferred something online, knowing it wouldn’t be long before he’d be off on another adventure.

To explore his options, he joined various Facebook groups. In one of these groups, he first came across the term “Dropshipping.” After delving deeper into it and considering different marketplaces to sell products, he started his journey with Shopify.

Tom Sagi’s first steps to e-Commerce 

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Tom’s journey as a Shopify dropshipping entrepreneur began with a simple step: signing up and creating his account. He then proceeded to choose a template and come up with a name for his store.

However, Tom soon realized that successful dropshipping stores rely on tools and apps to streamline operations. That’s when he decided to sign up for AutoDS. These tools are crucial for monitoring product prices and stock, managing orders, optimizing the store, and automating various business processes.

With AutoDS by his side, Tom felt confident that he was on the right track. He dove into learning everything he could from the AutoDS Blog and other online resources, equipping himself with the knowledge needed to grow his online business.

  • Choosing the Right Suppliers

When it comes to dropshipping, there are plenty of excellent suppliers to choose from, according to Tom’s recommendations. He suggests considering American suppliers or those with warehouses in the U.S. for faster shipping to customers. However, Chinese suppliers also have their merits, offering a wide range of products at low prices. These lower prices can result in higher profit margins, a significant advantage for dropshipping businesses.

Tom started by sourcing products from AliExpress but later expanded his supplier network to include CJDropshipping and explored many more options. His advice is to use at least three suppliers for various products. Relying on just one or two suppliers can be risky, so diversifying your sources is a smart approach. Additionally, if one of the three suppliers underperforms, you can always replace it with another, ensuring the stability of your business.

  • Finding and Selecting Profitable Products

With dropshipping software supporting his store, Tom could truly begin. When asked about his next steps as a beginner, Tom explained, “To find the right products, you must test multiple options. There are many factors to consider, such as competition, conversion rates, etc. It’s like a numbers game. I started by setting a goal of adding five to six products to my store daily. I kept researching and importing products to test what worked best.”

  • Marketing Your Store and Products with Facebook Ads

After sharing insights into how he set up his initial store, we were curious about how Tom drove traffic to it. Once he tested enough products and knew where to focus, he ran Facebook and Google ads to attract visitors and increase sales.

There are various ways to market your Shopify store, including Instagram ads, Google ads, Facebook ads, email marketing, and other effective methods. Suppose you want to learn how to become a successful Shopify dropshipping entrepreneur and scale your business with Facebook Ads like Tom. In that case, a free A-Z Shopify course is available that covers everything from product research to creating and marketing your store.

Becoming A Full-Time Shopify Dropshipping Entrepreneur

shopify dropshipping case study

Managing your Shopify dropshipping business can be approached in different ways, depending on the type of dropshipping store you have.

You can run a general store that offers products from various categories. This niche-specific store focuses on a particular product category or even a store with just one or two trendy products. Each type requires its strategy for growth and scaling.

Tom experimented with various store types and learned more about marketing his Shopify store while making a profit.

Once he figured out what worked best, he decided to take his business to the next level.

  • Starting BabyBamby

Many dropshippers start with general or broadly focused niche stores to test a wide range of products. When they discover a successful product, they often create a niche store centered around related products.

That’s precisely what Tom did. He chose to open a niche store specializing in baby products. Niches can be tricky, so he opted for a broad niche that allowed him to test various categories and products within that niche.

As time passed, he noticed that children’s toys, particularly plush ones, were selling exceptionally well. He gathered various plush toys and set off on his new venture.

  • Tom’s Winning Product

After stocking his new Shopify store with adorable plush toys and launching Facebook ads, orders started pouring in, and his business increased.

Among all the toys he offered, one stood out and captured buyers’ attention more than any other – “The Peek A Boo Bear.” It became a huge hit! His business peaked in just a few short months, making an average of $7,000 a day. It was a tremendous success, and Tom was delighted with the outcome.

District of Clothing

shopify dropshipping case study

District of Clothing is a print-on-demand success story that began in 2014 in Washington, D.C. It was founded by Dionna Dorsey, who drew inspiration from the creative community she was part of at her full-time job at Dionna Dorsey Design. She aimed to spread positivity by selling clothing with uplifting messages, all printed by Printful.

Brand’s stories

Initially, District of Clothing was just a side project for Dionna, and she dedicated only 1-2 hours a day to it. However, in 2016, this side project brought in an extra income of $29,000. The success of District of Clothing can be attributed to the meaningful messages on its products, regular updates to product designs, and effective marketing campaigns that leveraged influencers and storytelling.


Critical Lessons from District of Clothing:

1. Storytelling is an excellent marketing strategy to keep customers engaged.

2. Influencer marketing and social media promotion are crucial for building brand awareness and attracting first-time customers.

3. Carefully plan your budget to ensure your online store covers your expenses and allows you to pay yourself.

4. Don’t be afraid to plunge – go for it!

If you’re considering starting a new Shopify store, you can find more inspiring Shopify store examples in the YouTube video below. Additionally, you can explore our article on the Best Inspiring Shopify Stores, which provides detailed steps and essential principles for creating a successful Shopify store.


shopify dropshipping case study

Launched in December 2017, HYGO quickly grew and became one of the largest Shopify dropshipping stores specializing in general gadgets. According to Myip.ms, HYGO ranks 32nd among the top websites hosted by Shopify, competing with well-known names like Morphe and MVMT Watches. HYGO has also established a solid online presence, boasting nearly 164,000 Facebook likes and 60.4k subscribers on YouTube.

Brand’s stories

HYGO attracts consumers with a wide range of products, all available at discounted prices. They create informative videos for nearly every product to showcase their features and benefits. Additionally, each product receives detailed reviews accompanied by photos to build trust with customers. HYGO’s partnership program includes affiliates and influencers, expanding their reach and diversifying their customer base.


Key Takeaways from HYGO:

1. Regularly update and diversify your product range to identify top sellers.

2. Consider dropshipping in bulk as a promising option.

3. When executed correctly, affiliate marketing can be incredibly effective.


shopify dropshipping case study

Meowingtons is a perfect example of how you don’t have to target a massive market to be successful – a specialized and dedicated niche can be just as profitable. Their primary audience consists of cat enthusiasts, and Meowingtons offers a wide range of cat-related products, all sourced from AliExpress. 

Despite focusing on a relatively small audience, they attract thousands of daily visitors and have amassed 557k followers on Instagram and 1.3 million likes on Facebook.

Brand’s stories

The success of Meowingtons is primarily attributed to their strong branding efforts. When they first launched their website in 2014, it mainly featured product listings. However, it was evident that their store revolved around cats, as cats in various shapes and colors were featured in all product photos. 

Over time, Meowingtons built a recognizable brand by creating an adorable cat logo, expanding their selection of cat-themed products, and establishing a social media presence filled with cute cat photos.

Meowingtons has evolved beyond the initial dropshipping model by developing its custom product lines. They have also partnered with a local cat cafe and a foster home for abandoned cats.


Key Takeaways from Meowingtons:

1. Building a strong brand is crucial in dropshipping.

2. You don’t have to start with a big operation; beginning small and staying focused can lead to growth.

3. Dropshipping can serve as a foundation for substantial business opportunities in the future.

Notebook Therapy

shopify dropshipping case study

Notebook Therapy specializes in Japanese-inspired stationery, gadgets, and tote bags, primarily focusing on young women as their target audience. According to Salesource estimates, they generate monthly sales ranging from $350,000 to $700,000. Notebook Therapy places significant emphasis on its social media presence, particularly on Instagram, which has garnered over 1 million followers.

Brand’s stories

One of Notebook Therapy’s strengths is its store design, which features charming illustrations and vibrant colors. The store’s popularity is further boosted by offering free worldwide shipping and a generous 30-day return policy.


Key Takeaways from Notebook Therapy:

1. Customize your store to cater to your target audience’s preferences.

2. Prioritize the customer experience to build loyalty and trust.

If you’re still looking for more insights, you can explore in-depth case studies of 11 other successful dropshipping stores to learn from their strategies and apply them to your business.


Warmly, a unique store that sells furniture and home decorations is one of the top success stories on Shopify. In the past six months, their website received more visitors, about 269,000 every month, a 26% increase. They make a lot of money, estimated to be between $566,000 and $1,100,000 monthly, even though they’ve only been around for less than two years.

What’s interesting about Warmly is that most of the people who visit their website come from Pinterest, which is less popular than other social media sites. Warmly sells things related to beauty, and they use Pinterest’s visual search to show their products to the right people.

shopify dropshipping case study

Brand’s stories

Warmly is another niche dropshipping store featured among Shopify’s notable success stories, specializing in furniture and home decor accessories. Over the past six months, the store has experienced a significant 26% increase in website visits, reaching a monthly total of 269,000 visitors. In terms of revenue, Salesource estimates their earnings to fall within the range of $566,000 to $1,100,000 per month, an impressive feat for a store less than two years old.

What sets Warmly apart is that a substantial portion of its traffic originates from a less widely recognized social media platform: Pinterest. Operating within aesthetics, Warmly effectively leverages Pinterest’s visual search engine to promote its products and engage its target audience.


Key Takeaways from Warmly:

1. Understand where your niche audience is and concentrate your efforts there.

2. Don’t hesitate to invest in less popular marketing channels if they align with your target audience.


shopify dropshipping case study
While Shopify offers a free trial, dropshipping isn’t accessible on the platform. You’ll need to invest in a Shopify subscription and a dropshipping app, which involve monthly fees to engage in dropshipping.
Dropshipping risks involve working with suppliers who may need to consistently provide high-quality products to your customers or deliver goods on time. Additionally, due to the popularity of dropshipping as a business model, profit margins can be relatively low.
Getting started with dropshipping on Shopify is straightforward. You can easily set up a Shopify store, install a drop shipping app, and sell online. However, effectively promoting your store can take time and effort. You’ll need to become proficient in basic SEO and online advertising techniques to ensure the success of your dropshipping venture.
The most effective way to start dropshipping with Shopify is to sign up for the free dropshipping starter kit. This kit allows you to begin building your store and add a dropshipping app from the Shopify app store. The dropshipping app will enable you to select the products you want to sell and automatically notify suppliers of orders.
Shopify is not the only central e-commerce platform that supports drop shipping. Competing platforms like Wix, Squarespace, and BigCommerce also offer dropshipping features. You can find more information about how these platforms compare to Shopify in our Wix vs. Shopify, Squarespace vs. Shopify, and BigCommerce vs. Shopify comparisons.

Final words

shopify dropshipping case study

Thanks to Shopify and easy-to-use dropshipping apps, getting started with dropshipping is simpler than ever. When you explore success case studies on Shopify related to dropshipping, you can find useful ideas and learn how to improve your dropshipping business.

Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.