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Unique Ideas for You to Celebrate Valentine’s Day in a Long-Distance Relationship

Valentine’s Day is all about love, and even if you’re in a long-distance relationship, you can still make it super special! In this article, we’re going to show you some really sweet and easy ways to feel close to your partner, even if they’re miles away. 

Think about using cool tech to share little moments or sending a gift that’s just so ‘them’ it makes you both smile. We have many Valentine’s Day in a Long-Distance ideas for you, whether this is your first Valentine’s apart or if you’re already a pro at long-distance work. It’s all about keeping that love and connection strong and creating happy memories that last.

Long Distance Relationship Gifts

Rectangle Keychain for Long Distance Relationship 

Rectangle Keychain for Long Distance Relationship

I have a great idea for a gift if you’re in a long-distance relationship! How about this cool rectangle keychain? It’s a really sweet and fun way to show your special someone how much you care about them. This keychain isn’t just any old keychain – it’s made of strong 18/8 stainless steel, so it’s super durable and will keep your keys secure. Plus, having it with you is like keeping a piece of your loved one close to your heart. It’s the perfect little something to make their holiday season extra special.

Customized Star Began Poster Canvas 

Customized Star Began Poster Canvas 

This canvas is a fantastic choice to mark your special Day together. Imagine coming home after a busy day and seeing this beautiful canvas in your bedroom. It’s not just a pretty decoration – it’s a sweet reminder of your love for each other. It’s like a little piece of art that says “I love you” in a special way. Perfect for adding a bit of joy and romance to your Valentine’s Day!

Couple Custom Photo Plaque 

Couple Custom Photo Plaque

Looking for a unique and sentimental gift for your long-distance love? This “1 Year 1 Month Anniversary Art Piece” could be just what you need. It’s a beautifully designed wooden frame where you can place a special photo. It’s durable, stylish, and perfect for keeping those cherished memories alive. Plus, it’s a great way to feel connected to your partner, even when you’re miles apart. Ideal for celebrating your anniversary or Valentine’s Day!

Personalized LED Light 

Personalized LED Light

Suppose you’re searching for a heartwarming Valentine’s gift for her, especially in a long-distance relationship. In that case, this personalized LED light is a fantastic choice. It’s designed to illuminate shared memories in a cozy, ambient glow. More than just lighting up her space, it’s a daily reminder of your love story. This LED light is a charming and meaningful way to keep the romance alive, even when you’re miles apart. It’s perfect for adding a touch of love to her everyday life.

Our First Home Custom Map Key Holder

Our First Home Custom Map Key Holder

The place and time where you first met is something really worth remembering. That’s why we’ve created this key holder for you. It’s a key holder you can personalize with a map, maybe of where you first met or your first home together. It’s great for keeping keys in place and a lovely reminder of a special spot in your relationship. A perfect blend of practical and personal, making it an awesome gift for this Valentine’s Day.

How do you celebrate Valentine’s Day long distance? 30 Best Ideas 

Send them letters before Valentine’s Day.

Letters before Valentine's Day.

When you and your special someone can only talk over the phone or computer, it’s nice to change things up a bit. How about this? In the week before Valentine’s Day, send them love letters or even some cute photos of you two together like postcards. Getting something in the mail that’s not a bill or a package is rare, so imagine how awesome they’ll feel getting a love note from you. It’s a fun and special way to show your love. Here are some sweet and romantic messages you can send to your girlfriend.

Send Them a Video Message

Sometimes, it’s really special to sing and dance to your favorite song together or even read a love note out loud to your partner. It can feel more personal and lovely when they can see and hear you instead of just reading something by themselves.

Sing Karaoke Together 

Sing Karaoke Together

You’ve heard the saying, “Dance like no one’s watching,” right? Well, the same goes for singing! Have a blast singing your favorite songs with long-distance karaoke. It’s a sure way to boost your mood, and the only person who’ll hear your not-so-perfect notes is the one who won’t judge you anyway.

Create a photo collection of your favorite memories.

Think about things like coasters from bars you’ve been to together, plane tickets from when you visited each other, football ticket stubs, photos, and stuff like that. You can make a collage out of these on a canvas, and they can hang it up in their room. You could either make this together on Valentine’s Day, or you can make it yourself and give it to them as a gift. Then, you can chat about all those fun memories over FaceTime.

Plan a dinner date over FaceTime.

Plan a dinner date over FaceTime

Make your usual video calls more fun by having a “date night.” Both of you can cook your favorite meals, then sit down and eat together in front of your cameras. It’s like a virtual Valentine’s Day dinner date! If you want to make it even more official, you can do a virtual cooking class together – there are lots of them online. And don’t forget about Valentine’s dessert! You can make it simple by sending their favorite sweet treat through a delivery service.

Get dressed up for a date and send each other photos

Even if you can’t dress up for an in-person date, it’s still enjoyable to recreate the things you’d typically do together. Put on a nice outfit and have a FaceTime call, or send some cute photos. If you don’t want to waste a great look, consider planning a Valentine’s Day gathering with friends after spending time chatting with your long-distance partner. It’s also perfectly fine to go to a bar or coffee shop on your own and treat yourself to a date, even on Valentine’s Day!

Watch the sunrise or sunset together.

Whether you’re at the beach, on a rooftop, or just looking out your bedroom window, plan to video-chat during sunrise or sunset. If you’re in different time zones and can’t do it at the same time, no problem! You can record your sunset or sunrise and show it to them on video, and they can do the same for you.

Scavenger Hunt

Help your Valentine avoid feeling lonely on Valentine’s Day by setting up a scavenger hunt for them. Create a list of things they need to find or places they should go to, or mix it up with both. The hunt should lead to a lovely surprise that reminds them of your love.

Snap a matching picture in different locations.

Snap a matching picture in different locations

Trust us, it’s really adorable. Try using your photography and editing skills to combine two photos taken in different places. You can have fun with different poses, things around you, and backgrounds. It’s like creating a cool, artsy photo that looks like you’re together, even when you’re not.

Make a Craft Together

Even if you’re not usually into crafts, it can be really fun to make something with your hands once in a while. Order the same craft kits for each of your homes, or pick a DIY project and gather the needed materials. Then, give it a go and try making it together. At the very least, you’ll have a good laugh at how each of you does it.



Watching something grow can be really rewarding as a long distance Valentine idea. Symbolize your growing relationship by planting gardens at your own places or even just a houseplant if you don’t have space for a big garden. Sharing updates about how your plants are doing gives you a fun new thing to connect over.

Watch a movie or show together online at the same time.

You’re super excited about a new show on Netflix and want to watch it with your special someone, right? Easy! Just start watching the show at the same time and keep in touch through text or video calls. This way, you can see each other’s reactions and even munch on the same snacks to feel more together. 

Listen to erotic audio together.

Listen to erotic audio together

If you like the idea of listening to something sexy rather than watching it on Valentine, audio porn could be really exciting for you. Imagine listening to it with your partner on Valentine’s Day – that can be super hot! There are many apps that offer short audio stories designed to get couples feeling romantic and connected, even when they’re far apart. So, this could be a great way to add some spice to your Valentine’s Day celebration. Here are a few naughty Valentine’s Day gifts that are sure to delight your sweetheart.

Have fun with a virtual couples’ sex toy.

Guess what? Valentine’s Day can still be steamy, even when you’re in a long-distance relationship. There are sex toy brands like We-Vibe and Satisfyer that have their own apps you can download on your phone. When you get a vibrator or sex toy that works with the app, you can control things like pressure and speed right from the app. The coolest part is, if you’re okay with it, your partner can also control your toy from their phone.

At-Home Workout Together 

Get your energy up and try a new workout with your favorite exercise buddy. There are all kinds of online workout classes to suit any fitness style, whether it’s yoga or high-energy cardio. It’s a great way to not only build your muscles but also strengthen your relationship.

Send them a singing telegram.

Before you do this, having a quick chat with their boss or roommate might be a good idea. But if you’re sure your partner won’t get in trouble for this, sending a singing telegram on Valentine’s Day can be fun and funny. You can pay for a service where someone dressed as a heart or Cupid (depending on the company) shows up to sing to your partner at home or work. If you know they’ll love the surprise, it could be hilarious and memorable for them and their coworkers!

Plan a trip together.

Plan a trip together

Pick up your phone or hop on FaceTime, Zoom, or whatever you like to use to chat in your long-distance relationship. Create a Google spreadsheet and plan a vacation to a place you haven’t visited yet. You can split the tasks: one of you can search for good flight deals, while the other can hunt for great hotel options. 

Then, share and discuss ideas about fun activities, transport, shows, and all that stuff. When you’re all set, go ahead and book everything. You could even book it right then and there! We have some romantic Valentine’s Day getaway ideas for couples that you’ll definitely want to check out.

Create a diary together where both of you can write.

Create a diary together where both of you can write

To show your significant other how much you think about them, keep a diary for a year, a month, a week, or however long feels right, and then send it to them for Valentine’s Day. In it, write about your daily experiences, the moments you thought of them, and how they stay in your thoughts even when you’re far apart.

Give them a special bracelet meant for a long-distance relationship.

Long-distance relationships have changed a lot since your parents’ time. Now, there’s all kinds of tech to help you stay connected and in love, even when you’re apart. Take these Bond Touch love bracelets, for example. You and your partner can each wear one whenever you’re thinking of them.

Read to one another.

Reading to someone else might remind you of school days, but don’t let that stop you from creating new and enjoyable memories! Muñoz suggests that couples can “snuggle up in your separate beds and take turns reading to each other,” whether it’s love poems or your favorite book. This can bring you closer and might even reveal a new level of intimacy.

Try out some fun personality quizzes.

Even if you feel like you know your partner inside out, there’s always more to learn. People change over time, and that includes you. Use Valentine’s Day as a chance to discover new things about each other. They’re a great way to explore beyond the love languages you already know. Here are some funny Valentine’s Day gifts that your loved one will love.

Make a jar where you count down the days until you see each other again. Fill it with little notes about all the things you love about them.

Here’s a cute idea to make the wait for your next meeting a bit more fun: write down a sweet note for every single Day until you two are together again. It could be anything – a reason why you love them, a funny memory you share, or even a little inside joke. Put all these notes into a jar. This way, each Day, they can pull out one note and feel a little bit of your love and the joy of your shared moments. You can send this special jar through the mail or, if you’re lucky enough to see each other before Valentine’s Day, hand it over in person.

Play an Online Game Together 

Play an Online Game Together 

You and your partner can have a lot of fun playing two-player games together, and you don’t even need a gaming console. Classic games like Scrabble or Monopoly can be downloaded right from your phone’s app store. Consider setting up a playful prize for the winner, like a flirty virtual strip tease to spice things up. This can add an extra layer of excitement to the game!

Wake Up Together at The Same Time On V-Day

Change your morning routine a bit by setting an alarm and calling your sweetheart as soon as they wake up. This way, your voice is the first thing they hear. If possible, call them again before they go to bed so you’re both starting and ending the Day together. This sweet gesture is sure to bring smiles to both of your faces.

Make a video showing what your daily life is like

If you and your partner live in different places or haven’t explored each other’s cities much, a video diary can be a thoughtful gift. Use your phone to record a day in your life and give your loved one a glimpse into your daily routine. Alternatively, take your phone on a tour of your hometown, showcasing all the highlights as if it’s a personalized promo video. Don’t forget to end the video with a heartfelt message to make it even more special.

Plan The Future Together 

long distance valentine day ideas

One year, my boyfriend and I were more into thinking about our future together than spending a lot of money on a fancy dinner or trip. So, we decided to meet at the bank and open a savings account together. It felt like a special way to focus on and look forward to all the Valentine’s Days we’ll celebrate together in the future when we’re closer.

Go back to where it all began and recreate your first date.

Celebrating your relationship by looking back on your journey together is a wonderful idea. Try recreating your first date but with a virtual twist. Spend an evening on Zoom sharing all the great memories you’ve made, discussing why you chose to be together, and talking about what you’re excited about in the future. To make it more special, order the same type of food, drink, or coffee that you had on your first date if you remember what it was.

Send your partner their favorite food as a surprise.

If you can’t go out for a meal together, why not surprise your partner by ordering their favorite food from a local restaurant? Getting a meal they love, chosen by you, can make a virtual date feel really romantic and special. If ordering food isn’t an option, another sweet idea is to cook each other’s favorite meals.

Give Them A Care Package

Taking it up a notch, sending your partner a care package is a wonderful Valentine’s Day gift. Fill it with their favorite things to show them how much you care and pay attention to their likes. You can put in anything you think they’d love, like their favorite snacks and drinks or little keepsakes that remind them of you or special moments you’ve shared. It’s a thoughtful way to make them feel loved and remembered.

Make a special beer selection just for your partner.

If your partner is a big fan of beer, why not surprise them with a personalized beer “flight”? While you might usually enjoy this at their favorite local brewery if you were together, you can still make it special by selecting and sending a crate of beers you know they’ll enjoy. Even better, get the same beers for yourself and have a taste test together over FaceTime or Zoom. It’s a fun way to share the experience even when you’re apart.

Final Words From Loveable

Celebrating Valentine’s Day in a long-distance relationship is about finding creative ways to show your love and stay connected, even when you’re apart. It’s a chance to create meaningful moments and strengthen your bond despite the distance.

Blake Simpson

Hi, I’m Blake from Loveable. I help people find perfect gifts for occasions like anniversaries and weddings. I also write a blog about holidays, sharing insights to make them more meaningful. Let’s create unforgettable moments together!

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