

Branchy theme by Templatemela

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Branchy themes has been purchased 20, rating: 4/5 based on 4 reviews.

Branchy theme

Highlight features

  • Easy to customize and install
  • Flexible admin panel
  • Support SEO better
  • Include 1500+ font awesome icons
  • Build on HTML 5 and CSS3
  • Unlimited colors and banners
  • No core modifications

Branchy Shopify Theme is a theme designed for electronics, mobile, computer, megastore, beauty, cosmetic, food, furniture, toys, pet, book, and multi-stores. This is a beautiful theme with unique design and harmonious colors, besides that, you can completely choose the color in the variety store. In addition, Branchy Shopify Theme comes with tons of powerful modules like Mega Menu, SEO, Revolution Slider, Font awesome icons, etc. Choose Shopify theme for your store, Branchy surely will bring your satisfaction.