Pick Pack for iOS App by TradeGecko for Shopify

Are you looking for Shopify Pick Pack for iOS App Reviews or Alternatives? You are in the right place. In this article, we will discuss about Pick Pack for iOS reviews, rating, price and its alternatives. Pick Pack for iOS app has been developed by Tradegecko with rating: 3.5/5 based on 10 reviews. Pick Pack for iOS price starts Free.

Pick Pack for iOS is known as a free app developed by TradeGecko, which aims at simplifying your process of order fulfillment. The app can conne... . read more.

Pick Pack for iOS Information

  • Price: Free
  • Rating: 10 - 3.5 / 5
  • Vendor: Tradegecko

Features of Pick Pack for iOS

  • Simplify process of orders fulfillment
  • Synchronize all unfulfilled orders and showcase them in a user interface
  • Generate SKU packing list for each order
  • Make packing lists to prevent costly fulfillment
  • Enable to send back picked and packed orders to Shopify stores

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About Pick Pack for iOS

Pick Pack for iOS is known as a free app developed by TradeGecko, which aims at simplifying your process of order fulfillment. The app can connect with your Shopify store and synchronize all of the unfulfilled orders. In fact, Pick Pack for iOS can help download unfulfilled orders and showcase them in a user interface. In addition, you can choose the orders to delivery since the app can generate an SKU pick list for every order. Moreover, users can pick the quantity of each SKU from the warehouse and use the built-in barcode scanner to avoid manual errors. Take note that Pick Pack can create packing lists to prevent you from costly fulfillment. All you need to do is to pack the items and after picking and packing the orders, the app will send them back to the Shopify store tagging “Packed” to let you know they are ready to get fulfilled.