BookingMap by VT Labs App by VT Labs for Shopify

Are you looking for Shopify BookingMap by VT Labs App Reviews or Alternatives? You are in the right place. In this article, we will discuss about BookingMap by VT Labs reviews, rating, price and its alternatives. BookingMap by VT Labs app has been developed by Vt labs with rating: 0.0/5 based on reviews. BookingMap by VT Labs price starts Start from $0/month.

BookingMap by VT Labs is an app which allows customers to see your products on Google Maps. This app offers various features that might be helpf... . read more.

BookingMap by VT Labs Information

  • Price: Start from $0/month
  • Rating: - 0.0 / 5
  • Vendor: Vt labs

Features of BookingMap by VT Labs

  • Provide the product’s exact location to customers
  • Provide an interactive map to show the collection’s location
  • Show the additional information of products using popups
  • Allow adding coordinates and addresses for all products and collections
  • Allow customers to view products which have similar coordinates

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About BookingMap by VT Labs

BookingMap by VT Labs is an app which allows customers to see your products on Google Maps. This app offers various features that might be helpful for you and your store. Firstly, this app can help you provide the exact location of your product to your customer. Besides, the info popups allow you to show more information about the products such as its image, prices or address. This would enable customers to find the product that they want easily, which would help them make the purchase decision faster. Besides adding coordinates and address for each product, you can also add these details to collections. Displaying the locations of collections can encourage customers to explore other products which have similar coordinates to the one that they have bought. As a result, your customers might want to buy more, which would help boost sales better. So what are you waiting? Install now and start to give locations to your products.