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Set Compare at Price On Variant

Last updated: October 07 2024

Written and researched by experts at Avada Learn more about our methodology

If your products have multiple variants, each has a different original price, setting individual compare-at prices ensures that the displayed discount is accurate and reflects the actual savings for each option. This transparency builds trust with your customers and can lead to increased conversions.

Shopify makes it easy to set compare-at prices for products, even on variants, right from the admin panel. And this guide will walk you through the steps of setting compare-at prices for your product variants.

Step-by-Step Guide to Set Compare-At Price for A Product Variant

To set a compare-at price for a product variant, follow these steps.

Step 1: From your Shopify admin, go to Products

Compare at Price On Shopify

Step 2: Find and click on the product you want to modify

Compare at Price On Shopify

Step 3: Scroll down to the Variants section

Compare at Price On Shopify

Step 4: Click on the variant you wish to update

Compare at Price On Shopify

Step 5: In the Pricing section, you’ll see fields for Price and Compare at price. 

  • In the Compare-at-price field, enter the product’s original price.
  • In the Price field, enter the product’s new price.
Compare at Price On Shopify

Step 6: Click Save to apply the changes.

Setting Compare-At Price for Product Variants In Bulk

For stores with numerous products, setting compare-at prices for each product’s variants individually can be time-consuming. Here’s how to do it in bulk.

Step 1: From your Shopify admin, go to Products

Compare at Price On Shopify

Step 2: Check the boxes next to the products you want to edit (e.g. Handbags and T-shirts)

Compare at Price On Shopify

Step 3: Click Bulk edit at the top of the product list

Compare at Price On Shopify

Step 4: Click Columns and check the Compare-at-price box.

Compare at Price On Shopify

Step 5: Now, you can adjust the price and compare-at-price fields.

  • In the Compare-at-price field, enter the product’s original price.
  • In the Base price field, enter the product’s new price.
Compare at Price On Shopify

Step 6: Click Save to apply all changes

Compare at Price On Shopify

Common Problems and Troubleshooting

While setting a Compare-At price is straightforward, there are a few common issues you may encounter.

1. Compare-at price not showing on the product page:

  • Ensure the “Compare-at-price” is higher than the current “Price.”
  • Check your theme settings to confirm that compare-at prices are enabled and displayed correctly.
  • Clear your browser cache and refresh the page.

2. Difficulty editing compare-at-prices for variants in older themes:

Older themes might not have the same intuitive variant editing interface as Shopify 2.0 themes. Refer to your theme’s documentation or contact the theme developer for specific instructions on editing variant prices.

3. Price Mismatch Across Variants

If you’re seeing different prices for product variants, this could be due to variant-specific pricing that overrides the general product price. Ensure that all variants are edited individually or in bulk to reflect consistent pricing.

3. Outdated Compare-At Prices After a Sale

After your sale ends, make sure to remove any compare-at prices. Leaving them up can confuse customers and lead to a bad experience. You can manually reset compare-at-prices for each product variant or use the bulk editor or a third-party app to automate this process after the sale.

How to Set a Compare at Price For a Product on Shopify

Step 1: Choose Products

First, you will need to log in to your Shopify account. In your Shopify admin, navigate to the Products section.

Compare at Price On Shopify

Step 2: Pick a product

Compare at Price On Shopify

Browse through the list or use the search bar to find the specific product you want to set a comparison price for. Click on the product name to open its details page.

Step 3: Enter the Compare at price

Compare at Price On Shopify

Once you are on the product details page, scroll down to the Pricing section. Here, you will see two fields: Price and Compare at price.

In the Compare at price field, enter the product’s original price. This price should be higher than the current selling price to showcase the discount. For example, if you plan to sell a product for $50, you might set the comparison price to $75. This creates a perception of savings for the customer.

Step 4: Set the Price

In the Price field, enter the new selling price that you want customers to pay. This price should be lower than the compare-price to indicate a discount.

Compare at Price On Shopify

Step 5: Click Save

At the top of the page, click the Save button to apply the changes. Once saved, the compare at price will be displayed on the product page with a strikethrough, while the actual selling price will be shown alongside it.

Compare at Price On Shopify

Bottom Line

Setting compare-at prices for your product variants is a simple yet effective way to showcase discounts, create a sense of urgency, and boost conversions on your Shopify store. By following the steps outlined in this guide and considering the additional tips, you can leverage this feature to enhance your pricing strategy and drive more sales.


1. Can I set different compare-at-prices for different variants of the same product?

Yes, you can set unique compare-at prices for each variant to accurately reflect their original prices and showcase the specific discount for each option.

2. What happens if I remove the compare-at-price?

If you remove the compare-at-price feature, your store will no longer display the discount; only the current price will be shown to customers.

3. Is there a limit to how many products I can bulk edit?

No. Shopify doesn’t impose a strict limit on how many products you can bulk edit at once. However, if you are managing a large inventory (e.g., hundreds or thousands of SKUs), the platform may take some time to process your updates.

4. Does the display of compare-at prices depend on my Shopify theme?

Yes, the way compare-at prices are displayed on your product pages might vary slightly depending on your chosen theme. Most themes will showcase the original price crossed out next to the discounted price, but the exact styling might differ.

Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.