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Insert Audio Files With the Rich Text Editor

Last updated: October 07 2024

Written and researched by experts at Avada Learn more about our methodology

Incorporating audio into your Shopify store can significantly enhance the user experience and captivate your customers. Whether it’s product descriptions, background music, or interactive tutorials, audio files add a unique dimension to your online presence. 

This latest guide will demonstrate how to seamlessly embed audio files using Shopify’s Rich Text Editor, empowering you to create a more engaging and immersive shopping experience. 

How to Insert Audio Files With the Rich Text Editor on Shopify

Step 1 - Upload your audio file:

  • Go to ContentFiles.
  • Click Upload files and select your audio file (preferably in .mp3 format).

Incorporating audio into Shopify store

Step 2 - Copy the File URL:

  • Once uploaded, click on the file name to open its details.
  • Copy the file’s URL (it will start with…).

Incorporating audio into Shopify store

Step 3 - Go to your page or blog post:

  • Navigate to the page or blog post where you want to insert the audio.
  • Open the Rich Text Editor for that content.

Incorporating audio into Shopify store

Step 4 - Switch to HTML View:

  • In the Rich Text Editor toolbar, click the <> button to switch to the HTML view.

Incorporating audio into Shopify store

Step 5 - Paste the Embed Code:

  • Paste the following code snippet into the desired location in the HTML view:
<audio controls>
<source src="YOUR_AUDIO_FILE_URL" type="audio/mpeg">
    Your browser does not support the audio element.
  • Replace YOUR_AUDIO_FILE_URL with the actual URL you copied in step 2.

Incorporating audio into Shopify store


<audio controls>
<source src="" type="audio/mpeg">
  Your browser does not support the audio element.

Step 6 - Save and Preview:

  • Click Save to save your changes.
  • Preview the page to see the embedded audio player and test its functionality.

Incorporating audio into Shopify store

Troubleshooting Options

Here are certain issues that online merchants may face while inserting the audio files using Rich Text Editor on Shopify, and the solutions to each issue:

Audio Not Playing:

  • Incorrect URL: Double-check that you’ve copied the correct URL from the Shopify “Files” section and pasted it accurately into the <source src=””> tag.
  • File Format Issues: Make sure your audio file is in a supported format (MP3 is recommended) and is not corrupted. Try converting the file to a different format if needed.
  • Browser Compatibility: Test the audio player on different browsers to ensure it works across all major platforms. If not, consider using a more widely supported audio format or embedding an audio player app from the Shopify App Store.
  • Conflicting Code: If you have custom CSS or JavaScript in your theme, it might be interfering with the audio player. Try temporarily disabling these customizations to see if it resolves the issue.

Audio Player Display Issues:

  • Styling Problems: If the audio player doesn’t look right, check your theme’s CSS to see if any styles are affecting its appearance. You might need to add custom CSS to override these styles or adjust the embed code to include specific styling attributes.
  • Layout Conflicts: If the audio player is overlapping other elements or breaking the layout, try adjusting its position within the HTML code or using CSS to control its size and placement.
  • Theme Compatibility: Some themes might not fully support embedded audio players. In this case, consider using a third-party audio player app from the Shopify App Store for better integration.


Can I directly upload and embed audio files using Shopify's Rich Text Editor?

No, the Rich Text Editor itself doesn’t support direct audio embedding. You need to first upload the file to Shopify’s file storage and then embed it using HTML code.

What audio file formats are compatible with Shopify for embedding?

Shopify generally supports common audio formats like MP3, WAV, and OGG. It’s recommended to use MP3 for wider browser compatibility.

Where can I find the URL of my uploaded audio file to use in the embed code?

After uploading your audio file to Shopify’s “Files” section, you’ll find its URL in the file details. The URL will typically start with

Can I customize the appearance of the audio player embedded in my Shopify page?

Yes, you can use CSS to style the audio player’s appearance, such as changing its colors, size, or button styles. Refer to your theme’s documentation for specific CSS classes to target.

Is there a way to automatically play the embedded audio file when a customer visits the page?

While technically possible with JavaScript, auto-playing audio is generally discouraged due to potential accessibility and user experience concerns. It’s better to let users control playback.


Incorporating audio files into your Shopify store using the Rich Text Editor involves uploading your audio to Shopify’s file storage and embedding it with an HTML code snippet. Have you ever tried adding audio elements to your Shopify store, and what creative ways did you find to enhance the shopping experience? Share your own experiences in the comments below!

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Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.