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50+ New Year Resolution Quotes For Motivation  

February 28, 2024
Written and researched by experts at AvadaLearn more about our methodology

By Sam Nguyen

CEO Avada Commerce

As the new year rolls in, it’s a great time to think about what we want to achieve. This could mean improving ourselves, improving at our jobs, or helping others. Finding the right words allows us to change and start something new. To give you a little push and inspiration, we’ve put together some unique quotes and sayings that are perfect for your New Year’s resolutions. 

Inspirational Quotes for Goal Setting

Inspirational Quotes for Goal Setting

How you should write it 

When writing resolutions centered around inspirational quotes for goal setting, aim for an uplifting and energizing tone. These resolutions should be brief, typically one or two sentences, directly linking the essence of the chosen quote to a personal or professional goal. 

15 examples

  • “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs.
  • “The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.” – Tommy Lasorda.
  • “The ultimate test of man’s conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard.” – Gaylord Nelson.
The ultimate test of man's conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard.
  • “Hospitality is almost impossible to teach. It’s all about hiring the right people.” – Danny Meyer.
  • “The more you engage with customers, the clearer things become and the easier it is to determine what you should be doing.” – John Russell.
  • “Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world.
  • “The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.” – Peter Drucker.
  • “Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles.” – Steve Jobs.
Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles.
  • “The life of a man consists not in seeing visions and in dreaming dreams, but in active charity and in willing service.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
  • “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine.

Overcoming Challenges

Overcoming Challenges

How you should write it 

Resolutions aimed at overcoming challenges should radiate resilience and optimism. They usually require a medium length to adequately provide context for the challenge and outline the approach to overcoming it. Focus on transforming challenges into opportunities for learning and growth. This could involve a shift in mindset or adopting specific strategies to tackle obstacles effectively. Such resolutions are universally applicable but are particularly relevant for personal development, helping individuals across all sectors to grow and evolve.

15 examples 

  • “This year, I’ll turn every mistake into a learning opportunity, growing stronger with each lesson learned.”
  • “In the new year, I shall dance with risks, transforming every stumble into a step forward on my entrepreneurial path.”
  • “My goal is to build resilience, greeting each difficulty with determination and a calm mind.”
  • “I will cultivate patience and understand that great things take time to achieve.”
I will cultivate patience and understand that great things take time to achieve
  • “This year is about becoming more adaptable, flowing with change rather than resisting it.”
  •  “I aim to sharpen my problem-solving skills, confidently tackling complex challenges.”
  • “No matter the obstacle, I’ll maintain a positive attitude, and a knowing mindset can transform challenges into chances for growth.”
No matter the obstacle, I'll maintain a positive attitude, and a knowing mindset can transform challenges into chances for growth.
  •  “I will work on understanding and managing my emotions, using them to navigate tough times effectively.”
  • “Overcoming physical challenges starts with taking better care of my health through regular exercise and a balanced diet.”
  • “I resolve to set achievable, realistic goals, celebrating small victories on the way to overcoming bigger challenges.”
I resolve to set achievable, realistic goals, celebrating small victories on the way to overcoming bigger challenges.

Health and Wellness Resolutions

Health and Wellness Resolutions

How you should write it 

In health and wellness resolutions, the tone should be supportive and encouraging, focusing on self-care and well-being. These resolutions should be concise but detailed enough to outline clear health goals or practices, such as adopting a new exercise routine or mindful eating habits.

10 examples 

  • “I resolve to engage in physical activity for at least 30 minutes daily, enhancing my physical fitness and overall health.”
  • “I aim to create a consistent sleep schedule for 7-8 hours of restful sleep each night.”
I aim to create a consistent sleep schedule for 7-8 hours of restful sleep each night
  • “I commit to drinking at least eight glasses of water daily to stay hydrated and support my body’s functions.”
  • “I plan to nourish my body with balanced, wholesome meals, focusing on nutritional value and portion control.”
  • “My resolution is to achieve a healthier weight through mindful eating and regular exercise.”
My resolution is to achieve a healthier weight through mindful eating and regular exercise
  • “I pledge to incorporate activities like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing into my routine to manage stress effectively.”
  • “This year, I am determined to quit smoking, seeking support and resources to overcome this challenge.”
This year, I am determined to quit smoking, seeking support and resources to overcome this challenge.
  •  “I commit to reading more books, aiming to read at least one book monthly for mental growth and relaxation.”
  • “I pledge to be active daily, whether through a structured workout, a walk, or simple stretching exercises.”

Career and Personal Development

Career and Personal Development

How you should write it

For career and personal development, the tone should be aspirational, emphasizing growth and progress. The length can vary, reflecting the complexity of the set goals, whether learning a new skill, expanding professional expertise, or engaging in networking opportunities. The approach should encourage professional skill enhancement and personal growth experiences. 

15 examples

  • “Attend at least two tech conferences this year to build my network in the technology sector.”
  •  “Complete an advanced Excel course by mid-year to enhance my data analysis capabilities.”
  • “Find a mentor specializing in digital marketing to guide my career development in this field.”
Find a mentor specializing in digital marketing to guide my career development in this field
  • “Develop and follow a weekly plan that balances my work deadlines with personal time, including hobbies and family time.”
  • Start an online MBA program, focusing on strategic management to advance in my managerial career.”
  • “Lead a project team in my organization, applying leadership skills like delegation and team motivation.”
Lead a project team in my organization, applying leadership skills like delegation and team motivation
  • “Dedicate 15 minutes daily to brainstorming and creative thinking exercises relevant to my current job role.”
  • “Adopt and consistently use a time management system like the Pomodoro Technique for all my work tasks.”
Adopt and consistently use a time management system like the Pomodoro Technique for all my work tasks
  • “Request monthly feedback from my supervisor and peers, and implement at least one piece of feedback each quarter.”
  •  “Read and summarize one major industry report or research paper each month to stay updated on market trends.”

Financial Resolutions

Financial Resolutions

How you should write it 

In crafting financial resolutions, adopt a practical and forward-thinking tone. These should be concise and focus on clear financial targets, whether it’s about saving, investing, or managing debts effectively. The approach should encourage fiscal responsibility and enhance financial literacy. 

15 examples 

  • “Set aside $200 monthly to build an emergency fund of $2,400 by the year’s end.”
  • “Reduce my store’s debt by 20% by implementing a strict budget cut on non-essential expenses and renegotiating supplier contracts.”
  • “Invest $1,000 in a technology-focused index fund to diversify my investment portfolio.”
Invest $1,000 in a technology-focused index fund to diversify my investment portfolio
  • “Save $15,000 for a down payment on a rental property to generate an additional income stream.”
  • “Create a freelancer’s emergency fund equal to six months of living expenses, saving $500 monthly.”
  • “Invest $5,000 in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) funds to support sustainable business practices.”
Invest $5,000 in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) funds to support sustainable business practices.
  • “Increase my hotel’s revenue by 15% through targeted marketing strategies and improving guest services.”
  • “Introduce a new organic product line in my farming business, aiming to increase overall revenue by 20%.”
  • “Donate $100 monthly to a chosen charity, totaling $1,200 in charitable contributions for the year.”
Donate $100 monthly to a chosen charity, totaling $1,200 in charitable contributions for the year
  • “Allocate $2,000 for advanced market research tools to better predict and adapt to changing fashion trends, aiming to increase sales by 25%.”

Relationships and Social Goals

Relationships and Social Goals

How you should write it 

When it comes to resolutions focused on relationships and social goals, use a warm and community-focused tone. They can be of medium length, allowing full expression of intentions for personal relationships and community involvement. The resolutions should encourage improving personal relationships, active participation in community life, and building new connections. 

15 examples

  • “Organize a family game night every first Saturday of the month to strengthen family bonds.”
  • “Attend three specific industry conferences this year to build my professional network and gain new contacts.”
Attend three specific industry conferences this year to build my professional network and gain new contacts
  • “Join a local hiking group and attend at least two hikes per month to meet new people and develop friendships.”
  • “Volunteer at the local food bank on the first Friday of each month to contribute to my community.”
  • “Plan a surprise date night or special activity for my partner every other month to keep our relationship vibrant and strong.”
Plan a surprise date night or special activity for my partner every other month to keep our relationship vibrant and strong
  •  “Call or meet up with one old friend each month to reconnect and revive past friendships.”
  • “Participate in the local community clean-up drive in spring and a charity walk in fall to engage with my local community.”
  • “Initiate and participate in one meaningful conversation weekly on social media platforms to connect with others and share positive content.”
Initiate and participate in one meaningful conversation weekly on social media platforms to connect with others and share positive content
  • “Send a gratitude email or note to a different person each week, expressing appreciation for their impact in my life.”

Environmental and Social Responsibility

Environmental and Social Responsibility

How you should write it

When composing resolutions about environmental and social responsibility, the tone should be conscientious and proactive. These resolutions, ideally of medium length, should detail actionable steps toward making a positive environmental or social impact. They are relevant for manufacturing, energy, education, and healthcare sectors but applicable across all industries.

10 examples 

  •  “Use public transportation or carpool to work three days a week to reduce my carbon emissions.”
  • “Establish a recycling program in the office by March, aiming to recycle at least 50% of office waste.”
  • “Shop at local farmers’ markets every weekend to support community agriculture and reduce food miles.”
Shop at local farmers' markets every weekend to support community agriculture and reduce food miles
  • “Volunteer at a local food bank or shelter for two hours every first Saturday of the month.”
  • “Implement energy-efficient lighting and machinery in my factory, targeting a 20% reduction in energy usage by year’s end.”
  • “Completely eliminate single-use plastic items in my household by switching to reusable alternatives.”
Completely eliminate single-use plastic items in my household
  • “Launch a health and wellness program in my company by April, including mental health days and fitness challenges.”
  • “Ensure that all new real estate projects are built to meet LEED certification standards for energy efficiency.”
  • “Set up a monthly automatic donation of $50 to charities focusing on environmental conservation and social welfare.”
  • “Participate in at least one social justice event or campaign each month, either in person or virtually.”

Creativity and Artistic Aspirations

Creativity and Artistic Aspirations

How you should write it 

Resolutions centered on creativity and artistic aspirations should carry an inspirational and imaginative vibe. The length can vary, from brief statements encouraging daily creative habits to longer descriptions of complex artistic projects. While particularly pertinent to creative fields such as arts, design, music, and writing, they also focus on anyone seeking to explore or enhance their creative side.

10 examples

  • “Sketch something every day, no matter how small, to improve my drawing skills and creativity.”
  • “Take a weekly walk dedicated to photography to capture unique perspectives and enhance my photographic eye.”
  •  “Experiment with a new art medium such as watercolors or digital art by the end of the first quarter.”
Experiment with a new art medium such as watercolors or digital art by the end of the first quarter
  • “Write and complete one short story monthly to refine my writing and storytelling skills.”
  • “Attend at least one art or craft workshop each quarter to learn new techniques and meet fellow artists.”
  • “Develop and complete a personal art project that reflects my style and interests by mid-year.”
Develop and complete a personal art project that reflects my style and interests by mid-year
  •  “Practice dancing for at least 30 minutes daily to improve technique and expressiveness.”
  • “Read at least one book per month related to art history, theory, or a specific artist for inspiration and knowledge.”
  • “Collaborate on a project with another artist or creative individual to explore new ideas and perspectives.”
Collaborate on a project with another artist or creative individual to explore new ideas and perspectives
  • “Redecorate one room or area in my home with a creative theme or DIY art projects.”

Technology and Innovation

Technology and Innovation

How you should write it 

In resolutions dealing with technology and innovation, adopt a forward-thinking and visionary tone. These should be concise yet clear, focusing on technological learning and innovative objectives. Highly relevant for sectors like IT, engineering, and science, these resolutions also apply broadly to any field where technology plays a significant role. 

15 examples 

  • “Become proficient in a new programming language, like Python or JavaScript, by dedicating at least two hours of practice each week.”
  • “Read about the latest technology trends for 15 minutes daily to stay informed and ahead in my field.”
Read about the latest technology trends for 15 minutes daily to stay informed and ahead in my field
  • “Integrate a new software tool or platform into my business workflow by the end of the first quarter to enhance productivity.”
  • “Attend at least two major technology conferences this year to network and gain insights into emerging innovations.”
  • “Start and complete the development of a mobile or web app that addresses a common problem or need.”
Start and complete the development of a mobile or web app that addresses a common problem or need
  • “Update and strengthen cybersecurity protocols in my organization to safeguard against emerging threats.”
  • “Enroll in an online AI and machine learning course and complete a small project using these technologies.”
Enroll in an online AI and machine learning course and complete a small project using these technologies.
  • “Stay abreast of the latest technology in healthcare and explore ways to implement one new tech-based solution in my practice.”
  • “Launch a blog or podcast to share insights and discussions on the latest tech developments.”
  • “Adopt a new retail technology, such as augmented reality or an advanced POS system, to improve customer experiences.”

Balancing Life and Work

Balancing Life and Work

How you should write it 

Resolutions about balancing life and work should be supportive and realistic, recognizing the challenge of managing professional and personal responsibilities. Medium in length, these resolutions should offer strategies for managing workloads while prioritizing emotional well-being and relaxation. 

10 examples 

  • “Define and adhere to my work hours, ensuring I log off and disconnect from work at a set time each day.”
  • Regular Breaks During Work: “Take a short break every two hours to refresh my mind and prevent burnout.”
  • “As a healthcare professional, practice 10 minutes of mindfulness meditation daily to maintain mental clarity and reduce stress.”
As a healthcare professional, practice 10 minutes of mindfulness meditation daily to maintain mental clarity and reduce stress.
  • “Incorporate at least 30 minutes of physical activity into my daily routine to boost energy and reduce work-related stress.”
  • “Plan and take a vacation twice a year to recharge and avoid burnout in my corporate role.”
  • “Create a dedicated workspace at home to separate work life from personal life, improving focus and organization.”
Create a dedicated workspace at home to separate work life from personal life, improving focus and organization
  • “Meet up with friends at least twice a month to maintain social connections and unwind.”
  • “As an entrepreneur, use time management tools to allocate work hours and reserve time for personal life.”
  • “Learn to delegate tasks effectively at work to avoid overburdening myself and maintain a balanced workload.”
Learn to delegate tasks effectively at work to avoid overburdening myself and maintain a balanced workload
  • “Limit overtime hours in my manual labor job to ensure ample rest and personal time.”

Travel and Adventure

Travel and Adventure

How you should write it 

Resolutions focusing on travel and adventure should be written with an adventurous and enthusiastic tone, inspiring exploration and new experiences. Short to medium in length, they should outline specific travel goals or adventure activities. 

10 examples 

  • “Set aside $100 every month to save for a two-week cultural trip to Japan, aiming to visit during the cherry blossom season.”
  • “Hike a new trail in my region on the first Saturday of each month to explore local natural beauty.”
  • “Attend a traditional Italian cooking class during a trip to Italy, scheduled for September.”
Attend a traditional Italian cooking class during a trip to Italy, scheduled for September
  • “Experience bungee jumping in Queenstown, New Zealand, as part of my adventure trip in July.”
  • “Organize a week-long road trip along Route 66, exploring historic landmarks, planned for May.”
Organize a week-long road trip along Route 66, exploring historic landmarks, planned for May
  •  “Undertake a photography project capturing the vibrant street life of Mumbai on my trip in March.”
  • “Complete a beginner’s Spanish course by June to prepare for a trip to Spain.”
  • “Join a two-week wildlife conservation volunteer program in Kenya, aimed for November.”
Join a two-week wildlife conservation volunteer program in Kenya, aimed for November
  • “Start and regularly update a travel blog documenting my travels, with the first post by the end of January.”
  • “Book a trip to Iceland in February to witness the Northern Lights and explore Icelandic landscapes.”

Learning New Skills

Learning New Skills

How you should write it 

As focused on learning new skills should be encouraging and motivating, inspiring a commitment to personal growth and learning. A medium length is ideal for these resolutions to provide specifics about the skill and the approach to learning it. 

10 examples

  • “Enroll in an online course to learn Cisco CCNA on ExamCollection to enhance my skills and advance my career in the field of networking.”
  • “Enroll in an online course to learn Python programming, aiming to build a basic project by the end of the year.”
  • “Achieve conversational fluency in Spanish through weekly classes and daily practice, targeting a B2 level proficiency.”
Achieve conversational fluency in Spanish through weekly classes and daily practice, targeting a B2 level proficiency
  •  “Learn digital marketing fundamentals through an online certification course, applying the skills to my current job role.”
  • “Complete a 200-hour yoga course and start teaching yoga classes by the year’s second half.”
  • “Improve photography skills by completing an online course and practicing weekly, focusing on portrait and landscape photography.”
Improve photography skills by completing an online course and practicing weekly, focusing on portrait and landscape photography.
  • “Develop gardening skills by growing a vegetable garden, aiming for a successful harvest by the end of the summer.”
  • “Participate in a financial planning workshop to better manage personal finances and investments.”
  • “Attend a basic car maintenance workshop to learn skills like oil changes and tire rotations.”
Attend a basic car maintenance workshop to learn skills like oil changes and tire rotations.
  • “Write and self-publish a short story or eBook, focusing on developing creative writing skills.”
  • “Learn to play the guitar, practicing for 30 minutes daily and aiming to perform a complete song by year’s end.”
  • “Become more tech-savvy by learning to use advanced features of my smartphone and computer, taking an online course if necessary.”
Become more tech-savvy by learning to use advanced features of my smartphone and computer, taking an online course if necessary

Overcoming Fear and Doubt

Overcoming Fear and Doubt

How you should write it

About overcoming fear and doubt, an empowering and reassuring tone is critical. These should be of medium length to adequately address specific fears or doubts and outline a strategy for overcoming them. This theme is universally applicable but especially pertinent for individuals facing significant life changes, public speaking challenges, or personal growth barriers. 

15 examples

  • “Deliver a public speech or presentation by joining a local speaking club and participating regularly.”
  • “Apply for a higher position or a job that feels like a stretch, to challenge my professional growth and self-belief.”
  • “Overcome the fear of failure by starting the small business I’ve been planning, taking the first step by the end of Q1.”
Overcome the fear of failure by starting the small business I've been planning, taking the first step by the end of Q1
  • “Attend one networking event monthly to build confidence in social and professional interactions.”
  • “Tackle the doubt in my ability to learn by signing up for a challenging class or course, like coding or a new language.”
  • “Join a fitness challenge or a gym to overcome self-doubt about physical abilities and enhance health.”
Join a fitness challenge or a gym to overcome self-doubt about physical abilities and enhance health
  • “Showcase my art or creative work publicly, such as in a gallery, online, or through a performance.”
  • “Work on overcoming a specific phobia, such as heights or public speaking, through gradual exposure therapy.”
  •  “Make my first investment, overcoming the fear of financial risk, by seeking advice and starting small.”
Make my first investment, overcoming the fear of financial risk, by seeking advice and starting small
  • “Join a social club or group to challenge social anxiety, committing to regular attendance and participation.”
  •  “Practice speaking a foreign language with native speakers, overcoming the fear of making mistakes and being misunderstood.”

Time Management and Productivity

Time Management and Productivity

How you should write it

In writing resolutions on time management and productivity, a practical and focused tone is essential, emphasizing efficiency and organization. These resolutions should be concise, with clear and measurable goals for enhancing time management or productivity. 

10 examples

  1. “Begin each day by listing and prioritizing my tasks to focus on high-impact activities.”
  2. “Implement a time-tracking tool to monitor and optimize how I spend my working hours.”
  3. “Reduce social media usage to 30 minutes daily to increase focus and productivity.”
Reduce social media usage to 30 minutes daily to increase focus and productivity.
  1. “Take a 5-minute break every hour during work to maintain mental clarity and prevent burnout.”
  2. “Spend 30 minutes every Sunday planning the upcoming week, setting clear goals and deadlines.”
  3. “Identify and automate repetitive tasks in my job using software tools or scripts.”
Identify and automate repetitive tasks in my job using software tools or scripts
  1. “Check and respond to emails only at designated times (e.g., 10 am, 1 pm, and 4 pm) to avoid constant interruptions.”
  2. “Focus on single-tasking instead of multitasking to improve the quality and efficiency of my work.”
  3. “Set specific personal and professional goals at the start of each month and review progress at the end.”
Set specific personal and professional goals at the start of each month and review progress at the end

Spirituality and Inner Peace

Spirituality and Inner Peace

How you should write it 

Resolutions centered on spirituality and inner peace should have a reflective and serene tone to encourage calm and introspection. The approach should include suggesting specific activities and regular dedication to these practices for cultivating inner peace and spiritual growth.

10 examples

  •  “Practice mindfulness in daily activities like eating, walking, or listening, being fully present in the moment.”
  • “Volunteer at a local charity or community organization once a month to cultivate compassion and connection to others.”
  • “Have a digital detox day once a week to disconnect from technology and reconnect with myself.”
Have a digital detox day once a week to disconnect from technology and reconnect with myself.
  • “Attend a spiritual retreat or workshop this year to deepen my spiritual understanding and practice.”
  • “Read one book per month related to spirituality, philosophy, or personal growth.”
  • “Regularly practice loving-kindness meditation to cultivate compassion towards myself and others.”
Regularly practice loving-kindness meditation to cultivate compassion towards myself and others.
  • “Engage in a creative activity like painting or writing poetry regularly as a form of spiritual expression.”
  • “Learn and practice stress-relief techniques such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation to maintain inner peace.”
Learn and practice stress-relief techniques such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation to maintain inner peace

Bottom Line 

As we enter the new year, it’s the perfect time to set goals that can change our lives. Whether it’s going on new adventures, learning new things, facing our fears, managing our time better, or finding inner peace, each goal we set is a step towards a better us. Let’s use these goals to motivate us to act, grow, and confidently welcome the new year. 

Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.