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How To Write Your New Year’s Resolutions

April 26, 2024
Written and researched by experts at AvadaLearn more about our methodology

By Sam Nguyen

CEO Avada Commerce

A brand new year is about to come! Are you thinking about setting New Year’s resolutions but unsure where to begin? Don’t worry; this post will guide you through simple steps to craft resolutions that are meaningful and also achievable.

So, grab a pen and a notebook, and let’s turn those dreams into actionable plans. 

5 Steps To Make Your New Year’s Resolutions

It’s a well-known fact: Many people don’t achieve their New Year’s resolutions.

If you didn’t meet your goals last year, don’t be too hard on yourself. Your presence here shows you’re eager to make the upcoming year better. And that’s a great beginning.

We’ll provide 5 simple steps to help you create a resolution that you’ll really stick to.

Step 1: Preparing to Set Your Resolutions

Think of it like getting ready for a big trip – the better you pack, the smoother your journey will be.  

  • Reflecting on the past year: successes, challenges, and growth areas.

Start by taking a moment to reflect on the past year. 

  • What were your significant accomplishments? 
  • Where did you face challenges? 
  • What worked well for you? What didn’t?
  • What made you proud? What lessons did you learn? 

This reflection will be your guide in setting more targeted goals.

  • Identifying areas of your life you want to improve or change.

Now, focus on what really matters to you. Is it your health, learning a new skill, or perhaps strengthening relationships? 

Identifying your core values is like choosing the right destination for your trip. It ensures that the journey you’re about to embark on is meaningful and aligned with your personal beliefs.

Step 2: Choosing One Goal to Focus On

Starting a new year, it’s easy to come up with a long list of things we want to change or achieve. However, this often leads to feeling overwhelmed. It’s best to concentrate on just one main goal.

  • Be Specific: Your goal should be as clear and specific as possible. For example, if you want to get healthier, rather than a broad goal like “get fit,” choose something more specific, like running a 5K.
  • Consider Your Passion and Interest: Choose a goal that excites you; it will make the journey 10 times more enjoyable.
  • Assess Feasibility: While it’s great to be ambitious, your goal must be realistic and achievable. Think about your current circumstances and resources. Can you realistically achieve this goal within the year? 

Once you’ve chosen your goal, write it down. Putting it on paper is like buying your ticket – it makes your commitment real and tangible.

Step 3: Dividing Your Big Goals Into Smaller Parts

Dividing Your Big Goals Into Smaller Parts

You wouldn’t try to do everything in one day; instead, you’d plan different activities for each day to make the most of your resolution:

  • Set “Checkpoints”: Begin by dividing your main goal into smaller objectives. For example, if you aim to run a 5K, start by aiming to run a shorter distance regularly. 
  • Create a Timeline: Assign a timeframe to each mini-goal. This helps keep you on track and provides a clear sense of progress.

Step 4: Deciding Which Action You Need To Take To Achieve Each Small Goal

Deciding Which Action You Need To Take To Achieve Each Small Goal

The next step is to detail the specific actions required for each mini-goal. It’s like having a travel checklist for each destination on your trip.

  • Allocate Resources: Determine the resources or tools needed for each action. Do you need to invest in running shoes, download a training app, or set aside time each day for practice?
  • Write it Down: Document these steps in a journal, planner, or digital app. Writing down your action plan keeps you organized and serves as a physical reminder of your commitment.

Step 5: Staying Motivated

Maintaining motivation for New Year’s resolutions involves building resilience, celebrating achievements, and adapting to changes. Here’s how to keep that motivation burning bright:

  • Dealing with setbacks and maintaining resilience: The path to achieving resolutions is rarely smooth. You’ll likely encounter setbacks and challenges along the way. Understand that setbacks are a part of the process and use them as learning opportunities. Remind yourself why you set these goals in the first place and recommit to them.
  • Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate each time you achieve a mini-goal. This keeps you motivated and energized for the next step, just like enjoying the little experiences along a journey adds to the overall enjoyment.
  • Adjust as Needed: Be flexible and willing to adjust your mini-goals as you progress. Sometimes, unexpected things come up, and adaptability is key to staying on track.
  • Find a Support System: Share your goals with friends or family who can offer encouragement and hold you accountable.
  • Stay Positive: Keep a positive mindset, even when things don’t go as planned. 

Beyond Resolutions – Building Long-term Habits

The further step is evolving New Year’s resolutions into long-term habits. 

  • Transitioning from Resolution to Habit: Begin by recognizing that resolutions are often short-term goals, while habits are behaviors ingrained in your daily life. To make this shift, focus on the consistency of your actions rather than the end result. 
  • Role of Consistency and Routine: Establish a routine that incorporates your new behaviors. For instance, if your resolution is to read more, set aside a specific time each day for reading.
  • Making Resolutions a Part of Your Lifestyle: Integrate your resolutions into your lifestyle by aligning them with your existing habits and routines. If you want to exercise more, consider biking to work instead of driving.

An Example Of A Well-Written New Year’s Resolution

Example Of A Well-Written New Year’s Resolution

Meet Sarah, a 35-year-old marketing expert. Last year, she noticed she was spending too much time at work and not enough with her family. To change this, Sarah made a New Year’s resolution.

Her resolution is simple yet powerful: “In 2024, I will improve my work-life balance. Every weekend, I’ll spend time only on family and personal things. I’ll plan one family activity and one personal hobby each weekend and won’t check work emails during this time.”

This resolution works well for several reasons. 

  • It targets something specific – Sarah’s work-life balance. 
  • Instead of a vague goal, she has clear actions: dedicating weekends to family and personal life. 
  • By planning family outings and personal activities, Sarah ensures she’s actively involved in her resolution. 
  • It’s not just about less work; it’s about more quality time with her family and for herself.
  • Sarah also sets a boundary with work by not checking emails on weekends.
  • Her resolution is realistic. She doesn’t plan to change her entire routine overnight. Instead, she focuses on making the most of her weekends.

Sarah’s resolution is a great example of setting achievable and meaningful goals. It shows how you can make positive changes in your life with specific, actionable steps and realistic boundaries.

Goal Get’ Em

Learning how to write a New Year resolution is more than a whimsical tradition; it’s a strategic process. By going through 5 simple steps: setting one realistic goal, breaking it down, tracking progress, staying flexible, and gradually building it into your lifestyle, you’ll transform these resolutions into tangible, life-enhancing changes. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Here’s to stepping into the New Year with clarity, purpose, and motivation!

Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.